what was the last book you read?


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gona be slim geek
Mar 1, 2005
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stevenage herts
i love reading although dont always have the time to do it, i have recently started PERFECT MATCH by jodi picoult and must admit i am finding it very hard to read as it brings me to tears, i am normaly a lover of super natural and horror books, i have read every richord laymon book there is and most of the stephen king books
i was just wondering what kind of books everyone else likes to read, if any?
the last book i read was 'the school for husbands' by wendy holden it was an easy read and id read it all on the last day of my holiday

at the mo im reading a Marian Keyes book called 'anybody out there?'....... its really sad the bit ive got too... and all of a sudden stuff makes sense but you have to reads loads before it does... ill let you know how i get on... and for anyone reading it i wont give it away just yet!

I to love to read but don't often get the chance but while on holiday I go and buy new books.
The last 2 I got were by Mandasue Heller 'The Charmer' and 'Tainted Lives' both with loads of murder and crime right up my street:lol: she is very much like Martina Cole so I would recommend her if thats your kind of book.
Have to head off to the book shop to find a new one soon. :hug:
The last book I read was 'Fred and Rose' . Fred West the serial killer and what they did, I could not put it down and felt sick and disturbed for weeks after. DONT read it....
The last book I read was 'Fred and Rose' . Fred West the serial killer and what they did, I could not put it down and felt sick and disturbed for weeks after. DONT read it....
this is one of the books i would like to read but then again dont want to read, another great real life crime book is LIFERS its great to read, i personaly know linda calvey who is in it
Dr. Phil's Weight Loss Book.

It dosn't work.:irked:
I have just finished the book "In cold blood" by Trueman Capote....and it was excellent.
I have now watched the film Capote which was about the research for this book. Which is the story of a murder in in a farming community in America...in which a whole family was killed.

The book gives a real insight into a community dealing with this horrible event...and the police investigation...and also into the minds of the killers...as Truman Capote interviewed them so often over the 5 years he was writing this book.

I am really into non fiction at the moment as I am about to read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins next....once hubby has finished it!!!
I have to admit i have always got a book in my hand.. i have even been known to cook with one... i love matina cole, richard laymon, stephen king, v.c..andrews, cathroon cookson, i could not even say i like type I JUST LOVE TO READ..... just call me book worm..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I have to admit i have always got a book in my hand.. i have even been known to cook with one... i love matina cole, richard laymon, stephen king, v.c..andrews, cathroon cookson, i could not even say i like type I JUST LOVE TO READ..... just call me book worm..:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
as you seem to love the same kind of books as me, stephen king etc can you suggest a really good gripping read as i havent found one in ages:irked:
Ive been reading Clive cussler book all about shipwrecks and anciet treasure very good and elelemtns of truth in all witha bit of global warming thrown in for good luck. on a trashy novel at the mo as i cant concentrate for long.
i have been reading a philipa gregory book about "anne of cleves, jane boleyn and kathryn howard" its a follow on from the "other boleyn girl"
Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King.

Just finished reading it again lol. Its probably not what you would expect from Stephen King take the Shining then think of its opposite ! It really is a fantastic book :)
as you seem to love the same kind of books as me, stephen king etc can you suggest a really good gripping read as i havent found one in ages:irked:
have you tried any.. oohh what is jis name.. hold on min.......Dean koontz they are kind of a mix between richard laymon and stephen king.. if i think of any more i will let you know, if i find any in the boxes in the shed would you like mw to post some to you pm if that sound ok.. we could start a book swop could save some of us money.. begziii im the librainen (cant spell to save my life)
I read all the time. I've just finished a book by Jeffrey Deaver and am now reading a book called "How to kill your husband (and other handy household hints) by Kathy Lette.
I've read every book I can find about serial killers and Fred and Rose West and I re-read them. Sick but interesting to read.
am now reading a book called "How to kill your husband (and other handy household hints) by Kathy Lette.
Pass it on when you've finished it please Judy :wink2: I'm sure you'll have a queue of peeps waiting to borrow it, and not for the handy household hints either lmao

I'm an avid Martina Cole fan, waiting for her new one (Close) to be released on Oct 19th...
just read The Graft for the second time, I love her books... they're totally gripping :D
Just finished call me elisabeth - oh my god fantastic!
last book i read was ugly
very heartwrenching
well the last book I read was Level 3 beauty therapy - great pictures but I couldn't follow the plot!
i also love to read and leave things go to pot for the end of a good book, i dont so much as read as skim as hubby calls it as i read faster than most and still follow the story,my hubby is dyslexic and finds it frustrating that i read so easily.
i love jeffrey deaver, john grisham and one of my all time favourites is part of a trilogy by helen forrester. this covers her life in liverpool from 12 years until she died and is a heartbreaking true story of how she was mis-treated by her mum and she raised her siblings in poverty.
another book that haunts me but was compulsive to read was the boy called it, cant remeber who wrote it though.
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