Which are your busiest months of the year.


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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Hastings, East Sussex
Hi all.

Was catching up on my paperwork and accounts and noticed a real difference in business for different months.

I have been doing nails for 5 years and have never really taken much notice of which months were busiest.

I am now going to look back over the last few years accounts and find out which are the busiest 3 months of the year.

It would be interesting to see if my findings are a general trend in nails and whether you all come up with the same findings.

Any replies appreciated.


Nothing But Nails
Ive only been in business 12 months so this wont be a true account. But my busiest time was December. totally dead in January right thrugh to March. June and July were also busy. But definately through Christmas.
I've also only been doing it for 18 months, but looking at my accounts March and April were busy, then it was quiet. I then had a busy time from July/ August time then it was quieter, and now it seems to be picking up again leeding up to xmas.
After 11 years in my little set up, all my months are pretty much the same...busy.... but April, June and December are manic,thats when I have to work longer hours to fit them all in, the rest of the year it is nice and steady and my 8 hour work day is flowing nicely with a chance to have a tea break.......
May, June, sept and December for me.
May, June holiday time
Sept kids back at school
Dec xmas of course.
this is an interesting thread that I will be watching with interest.... I have only just started renting space in a salon a couple of evenings a week and a Saturday 12 - 5, I am rushed off my feet already, struggling to fit in rebalance appointments! I work mon - fri, 9 - 1.30 in an office and have been considering either cutting my days down which they arent happy about as they are already short staffed, or dropping the office completely and going for it in the salon... i am scared that I will be busy up to new year and then it will be dead in Jan/Feb/March... then I will wish I'd kept the office job! x
Hi there.

I left my office job 7 years ago. Went back on Maternity Leave with a 6 week old daughter and after going on a nail course to see if I would like it, was hooked.

Gave up my day job and found that nails was my passion. I have never looked back. Started out mobile to get my speed up and after one year, decorated a small room and worked from home.

When my little girl was three I left my partner and bought myself a flat and things were real hard for a while. Worked in a salon for almost 2 years. Things went really well and I have managed to pay my mortgage for nearly four years, although in June this year, left my salon, long story. Anyway, I have again never looked back. If you believe in yourself, you will get there. There will always be ups and downs, but that is life I guess. Good luck.
thanks Sam, It's just a bit scarey to leave the guaranteed income that I have become used to every month, and I ALWAYS spend it, some on bills and some on crap so I suppose as long as I can cover the bills then I will be ok... maybe I should leave it till March and see how busy it has been? then again, I might be getting more customers if I was there instead of at the office? oh decisions, decisions...... x
Very weird pattern for the quietest time (I have 8 years of figures to compare!!!) it's now!!! weeks 3 and 4 of sept for some reason I can't fathom...week 4 of Feb and week 1 of march.

Busiest is December (but you bust your ass just fitting in all your regulars more frequently...no time for new business unless you have a BRAND NEW member of staff to deal with it!) April, May......and JUNE can be almost as busy as December, although the schools finish up in Scotland a month sooner than you guys, so maybe July for you.
For me, November and April stand out in the books way above the rest.
i usually find it pretty steady throughout the year thanks to loyal clients and prebooking them ahead for a few. spring time through to just after new years becomes crazy with old clients coming out of the woodwork and wedding parties. i find the biggest dip in business is after new years when clients go away on hols and others receive their christmas shopping credit bills. but thankfully when there back on track they call again
april & may are jam packed busy (sandal season, my pedicures more than double and prom/graduation season)

november it picks up and december is C-R-A-Z-Y. i mean not getting finished until 1am and starting it all over again at 6am kind of crazy. but the $$ always seems to come in when i need it. i don't mind working the extra around christmas, especially when i get to go shopping!!!! :D :D :D

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