How come the Chinese ladies and gents at my local nail bars do acrylics so perfectly? I've found one that is gentle, too.
I've had a range of styles and each time the smoothness is phenomenal. Not a dip nor blemish. I've been to other non-Chinese nail technicians and found fault with one aspect or other.
Is this the same across the UK?
As pure said it has nothing to do with ethnicity itself and then again everything to do with it. I find it's more of a philosophical matter than a skill one. Countries like China, with the surplus of population and therefore personnel they possess, tend to create specialists in the relevant fields. They create working machines rather than free people. I do not speak about the sum of every eastern nail bar, but the majority of what I have gathered and realized. I could easily be wrong and I'm not judgmental of those girls, but of the capitalistic system which has driven us to those extremes. I found that a eastern nail technician that would be amazing in acrylics would be crap in other techniques. That is not necessarily wrong as us here tend to prefer one system to the other. But we follow the trend, we create and spend hours researching. We try and try again to develop ourselves, to find new things, to give ourselves and our clients something new and out of the box. And we never stop trying to thrive. We value our education, our art, our culture, and all our useless knowledge and that is what makes us free people in a society that values only money and debt, and judges a gallery exhibition by the number of tickets it sold rather than of the number of people it influenced, or by the message the artist was trying to convey. There was an Italian politician a little while ago that characterized all of Italy's natural treasure as "oil", as it was as important only as the money it would bring back to the country. The cultural aspect, the history, the knowledge was in one word forgotten and thrown out of the window! And that was in Italy. Imagine countries like China. There is a law there that forbids more than one child per family, in an effort to minimize their population. There was a entire container found full of dead Chinese bodies and the story that was revealed was that they were shipped over, did the work, when they died they were shipped back and others would take their place. Workers in a tin box! My point is, when there is so much people to do the work they specialize, they become perfect in one little thing but know nothing else beyond that. Human machines they were called and my it's a fitting name. But it's one of the symptoms of our age and nothing to do with the girls' ethnicity.
I attach a video I found a few years ago, showing a few girls no more than 4-5 years old playing the guitar and they are perfect, they are beyond perfect. But I would never call them artists. Everything in their posture is rehearsed to perfection and that is not freedom nor thought. What are we to expect if children are forced to excel in an area in an age they should be allowed to be ignorant?