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Hi Grainne,

How are you?  I started doing leaflet drops in the houses but didn't get much custom back from that.  Now I leave leaflets in shops (a little pile on their counter, and a big discount for the owner as a sweetener!), gyms, health centres, thought about handing them out at schools but I've had enough trouble with youngsters wanting their nails done so decided against that.  My friend stands outside church on Sundays and hands leaflets to the ladies on their way out!!  I'm about to brave the local Bingo Hall and try getting a bit of custom that way.  I'm naughty and leave business cards in the ladies loos at shopping centres!!

Over the last few weeks I'm getting more and more calls from people who have come across my website, which is very encouraging.  I have my details written on the rear window on my car but I've only ever received silly calls from bored people stuck in traffic behind me!

The best is word of mouth, get some sets on friends etc and give them a handful of business cards with a discount for every one they refer.  It takes a while to get it together, I still get more 'one offs' than regulars, people in my area seem to just want nails for special occasions and dont want to bother with the upkeep. 

Another thing my friend did was approach the local churches and ask if she could be included in their Parish Newsletter - some included her advert for free, some wanted paying, another said they would distribute her leaflets along with theirs (about 2,000) for a contribution to the delivery costs - worked out about 30 Euro!

Good luck anyway, and let us know how you get on!
