Best thing to do hun, is first get an idea of what you like and dont like. That can be looking at other peoples (and not necessarly just beauty salons) artwork/pricelists etc.
When you have an idea what you like for example:
Do you want full colour, one colour, or just black and white?
Do you like just an A6 Card pricelist or an A6 Tri-fold, or an A5 Fold?
Do you like business cards that you can write in appointments on the back of?
Look in your yellow pages for a couple of printers in your area and go and see them. Initial consultation is often free and they can give you an idea of costs for logo design, printing etc.
When your happy with the design, check that all your details are correct especially your contact numbers and prices as well as your spelling.
Perhaps you can contact your local college and see if they have a graphic design course there that will do you a few designs that will cost less than using someone qualified and then get the design on disc for the printers. can work out quite good price wise and for dsesign, however they do have long lead times too as they print about 100 peoples designs at one go and will not run their printers until they have this many orders. But that was something I heard a few years back and may not apply anymore.
Hope this helps, and good luck with it