Advice on doing highlights on a child


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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
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Ive been asked to do a full head of highlights on a 9 year!!! Whats your advice on this. The girl gets it done at a hairdressers normally so it's not her first time but I've never been asked to do someone so young before.

Would you do it and if you would how would you charge it?

Thanks x
I'd charge depending on how long it takes you compared to an adult sized head. If a full head of highlights used the same amount as an adult half head I'd charge half the price. Personally I wouldn't feel happy doing highlights on someone that young but I think it's up to you and the parent.
yeah i would charge depending on thickness ect...
say 20 foils.. (a normal half head price)
40 + foils ( a normal full head price)

i have always had very thick hair even as a child so i would of had to have same as an adult.... but if shes only got fine hair just obv it doesn't take as mush time/materials x
I don't feel comfortable with it but then I've only being doing mobile for less than a year so not sure what the norm is and a feel of my friends have said if someone else has done it professionally then why shouldn't I but I'm not sure to be honest :(
Its a difficult call, as a mother of an 8 year old I wouldn't want any girl their age to have highlights, talk about making them grow up to quickly. girls should be worrying about whether to have plaits or ponytails not whether they have too much re-growth!
BUT I guess some hairdressers do it for them, I don't think I would even if it meant extra earnings:confused:
I think high school age is early enough.
Your public liability doesn't insure you to do hilights in a Childs hair, I'm a tutor and our insurance says 14 however my business liability says 16. I know with 8 years old is a definite No No
i will under no circumstances colour a childs hair unless they are 13 and thats me brought the age down before it was 16 but 13 is the youngest and i dont care if the parent doesnt like it its stictly no!! and if you feel uncomfortable then thats telling you something i think xx
I wouldn't do it.

PERSONAL OPINION ASIDE.. if insurance doesn't cover it, don't do it.

With regards to cap vs foil, it doesn't have to touch scalp with foils either.
I'm an adult and could never tolerate the 'pain' of removing the cap, hurt like heck!! Foil would be more comfortable.

But as I said... if no insurance, don't do it.
I won't colour anyone under 13 years old. I am going to check my insurance tomorrow though as I hadn't even thought about that.
It would be a no for me!
I once had a request to do a perm on an 8 year old, I said no because I felt she was too young xxx
I would not do it either - it just would feel wrong - like I was part of the corruption of youth LOL!

I had not thought of the insurance aspect but such an important point - I will look into that too - Thanks for that info Simba44.

I have just seen a 'Stop Press' article in Goldwell/KMS Update Magazine Winter 2011 - it reads as follows;

'EU Directive Colour for Under 16's

You may notice that on Goldwell Color products there is a new guideline appearing that states: "THIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE ON PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 16".
This recommendation comes from the EU Commission and must be stated on all oxidative and non-oxidative coloration products by November 2011.'

I think we should all check our insurance cover!
I would not do it. If my insurance did cover it i still would not do it. It would just feel wrong but thats my personal opinion. Make sure you check your insurance and the the products you are using before you even attempt to go ahead with it. Good Luck
I wouldn't do it either, both due to personal objections, job pride and reputation and as said above, insurance.

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