Ohhh dear,
Are you doing the perfectionist thing, but also realise time is money?
I'm a beautician. I've been out of the salon for 15 years. [Teaching Beauty now] and found myself questioning why did I do that... I 1989! 
I find myself telling myself off.
I can't go back and change it....
The client didn't complain; so what am I on about
... but I'm the specialist. I should know better.
And so it goes on.
My new mantra is 'done is better than perfect' and respond don't react. Sometimes it helps.
I just want to say:
1. We learn something new every day
2. You're very special - still evaluating your work
3. you're not on you own. There are others out here suffering like you
4. Let's remember we can't change what has been done, life goes on.
5. For every fault you find. Name 3 things that you have achieved. Stop the negative chatter
Hang on it there