Airbrush 'step by steps'


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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland.
If anyone would like to take a peek, I've just added a new section to my nail art galleries - an airbrush 'step by step' page. There's only 8 in there at the moment, but I have a few more waiting to be uploaded and will be aiming at adding at least one new one per week. I'm currently working on some 'Halloween' ones so will add those shortly. :biggrin:

Step by Step nail galleries
This is excellent! Just what I need! By the way, you're a clever bunny with a computer, too!
They are fantastic Jackie and so clear - well worth a look!
They are lovely... I will be checking back for more ideas!

Do you know if there is a website for the sticky masks? The only place I have seen the sticky ones is in the Creative shop (I have all the good designs from there!).
they are fab! The way you have laid the steps out on your website are brill - by far the easiest way to read! I am normally put off by having to close one window, open another etc etc, but this is so easy and works brilliantly - WELL DONE!
Jackie they are brilliant - thank you for sharing how to do them - and making it easy to do. I had my first go at airbrushing yesterday and am completely hooked!! :biggrin:
Thanks everyone - I'm so glad you like them. I must give full credit to my very clever other half, Sean, who put them on the page - I just did the airbrushing and took the pics.... I love the way he's made a slideshow out of each of them.

Kimberley, I think the Creative Shop (not CND) is the only place to buy the Too Much Fun masks from in the UK now, The Nail Warehouse used to sell them but they've re-done their website and the TMF stuff is no longer on it. They're the masks I've used on the step by steps. I've also used some masks by Medea which you can buy from Rachel (Chocolate) at K-Sa-Ra they have some lovely designs too. :biggrin:
JackieMc said:
If anyone would like to take a peek, I've just added a new section to my nail art galleries - an airbrush 'step by step' page. There's only 8 in there at the moment, but I have a few more waiting to be uploaded and will be aiming at adding at least one new one per week. I'm currently working on some 'Halloween' ones so will add those shortly. :biggrin:

Jackie that is fabulous I really really love the slide clever are you all those nails skills and technology....very impressed
I am just getting into tape designs and love that site. How do you get those designs in the tape. Razor or sissors. Tell me please.
They are super Jackie, well done!!! :D
hi jackie

i love the designs i cant wait to get an:lol: airbrush xx
realnails said:
I am just getting into tape designs and love that site. How do you get those designs in the tape. Razor or sissors. Tell me please.

Hi, I'm not sure what you mean - is it one of my designs? Not sure what you mean by tape. PM me and try to explain and if I can help you out I will. :)
Hey Jackie... Why not add them to the Premium Geek tutorial section on the site (seeing as you are a preemy and all).... Many would love to see your step by steps that may not see this thread ;)
Ooooh - what a good idea, I never thought of that. Thanks for the suggestion GMG, I'll get cracking on it later today! :)
realnails said:
I learned how to use scotch tape on nails on this site and then I seen and it looks like they use the same thing. They are not quite as simple to copy. That's all

Ah, I get what you mean by 'tape' now. I use the pre-cut masking by Too Much Fun for the designs you see on the step by steps. They use a low tack frisket which sticks easily to the nail but doesn't pull any paint off when you peel it away (as long as you've sprayed dry!). You can buy uncut masking and cut your own shapes with craft scissors, I've done this and it's great for abstract designs.

You can also buy Medea pre cut masking from

I've not tried using scotch tape, I would have thought the 'stickiness' was too strong for laying over an already sprayed nail, but it's worth a try I suppose. :)
I wish i was as clever on a computer, i have not even got my own avatar up yet!!!

Thanks for mentioning the website, we do sell loads of pre-cut masks, especially the french and stars. They are more popular than stencils now as they are so easy to use, its the only way i can do my own!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel. I must confess, anything other than email I leave to my other half - he sorts it all out for me.

Must agree, the pre-cut design masks are just great, I wouldn't be able to airbrush on myself if I didn't use them!

Absolutely brilliant Jackie. thank you for those. i haven't found time to even get my new airbrush out of the box and have a play, but you have inspired me now. Looks like the family will be sent to the chippy tonight! :green:
suey said:
Absolutely brilliant Jackie. thank you for those. i haven't found time to even get my new airbrush out of the box and have a play, but you have inspired me now. Looks like the family will be sent to the chippy tonight! :green:

Thanks Suey - your poor family will starve once you get airbrushing, I'm the same. I can sit here all day sometimes and just play about with it then look at the clock, realise Sean is home in 5 minutes, and there's no food in! :o

You need to learn how to play 'ill' - that's what I do. Bit of talcum powder on the face to make you look pale and sickly, and be on your knees in front of the loo when 'himself' walks through the door. Lots of groaning and pretend throwing up noises and he'll be only too happy to go to the take away - by which time you've recovered enough to 'try a little food'! Only pull this one occassionally as, even though they're men, they do get wise to it eventually! :twisted:

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