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I can't belive this is happening to me, I seem to be going from one disaster to another. I have just spent the last 15 mins on the phone to my friend crying my eyes out, I posted a thread a few days ago about my waxing disaster and now here I am again. My client came for her underarms and I was not at all worried as I felt quite confident about doing under the arms and I did not think it would take long. The lady had shaved her hairs a week ago and has previously had them done at a salon without a problem, but do you think the hairs would come out, oh no i got some out but the just would not budge, they were quite coarse but I still did not think it was going to be a problem, in the end I had to give up and not charge as I could not keep going over the same area I apologised and offered to do it for free next time, luckily she accepted which surprised me as this was her first visit to me so she is coming back in 3 weeks, she is going to shave the rest tonite as she is going away for a week tommorow but when she comes back she said she will leave them for 2 weeks. It was really hot in my room so i dont know it that affected the wax. She said the wax did not  feel hot and that it felt hotter in the salon but I think it was to runny so I did not think i needed to turn it up, the was just did not seem to be gripping the hairs. I wish I had turne my hot wax on now as I think that may have been better, Im not sure. I really feel like Ive had enough as I only have a few clients from when I did my leaflet drops and at this rate none of them will come back Ive got a full leg, bikini, underarm and eyebrow on Monday and I am dreading it in fact Im thinking of cancelling, I've also got a manicure tommorow I know not much can go wrong with that but knowing my luck it will I will probably give her a terrible paint job because I feel so nervous about that as Im sure it will go wrong as well. This is a bad day for me so sorry to post such a depressing thread but It makes me feel better telling someone about my disaster.

