Apex on fibreglass nails


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Carole Lindsay

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2004
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Hi there, can anybody tell me how to build an apex into fibreglass nails. Mind you, not that i've had any complaints with the shape i do now, but i thought it would be good to know how to do that.

Carole xx
Most natural nails already have a natural apex which the wrap enhancement will follow.

However, if the nail is very flat or convex (as in the case of a ski jump nail) the only way is to build an apex using layers and layers of adhesive and maybe an extra stress strip.

There is another system (dare I say fabric#) which has a special extra thick resin called BOOST especailly for building and apex or for filling gaps that is very quick and easy and needs only one or two applications to get the result needed.
Carole _ i use Fabric and its fab compared to my old system - its soooo easy to build with....I really recommend you give it a whirl
Wot a surprise that the product is Fabric! If, as you say, the nail has its own apex i'll stay with things as they are. The reason i asked is that somebody said that you should always build an apex into fibreglass applications as well as L&P.

Seeing as I'm not Creative trained (shock horror!) its hard to get the products so i'll leave it at that.
Carole Lindsay said:
Wot a surprise that the product is Fabric! If, as you say, the nail has its own apex i'll stay with things as they are. The reason i asked is that somebody said that you should always build an apex into fibreglass applications as well as L&P.

Seeing as I'm not Creative trained (shock horror!) its hard to get the products so i'll leave it at that.

Carole I was trained with another wrap system and the more experienced and knowledgable I became the more I looked for a stronger and superior product - I am not Creative trained but as I am qualified I could purchase the Fabric system so I dont understand your (for want of a better word) cynicism that you would not be able to buy this! Hey give them a call what have you got to lose?
PS Checked out your web site and I too trained with the same company - but I found after the rebalance appointment the nails had to be soaked off and start again - the brush on resin clogged for england...and if I didnt soak off after the clients 3rd appointment the overlay became yellow and crumbly...seriously you should try the Fabric brand as distributed by Desinger Nails - even my clients commmented about the improved finish this brand gives...
louise: thanks for the advice etc. so far i havent had any problems and have clients (including my own nails!) which have been on for ages. i dont use the brush on resin at all so have no experience with it clogging.

:o i do hope i didnt offend you - its not that i'm cynical but i feel the board is so biased towards creative in all products and training that anything else is looked down on.
No Carole I understand I sometimes feel the same and not on most occassions - us women are senstive creatures and when someone disses a choice we have made of couse we might feel offended - I do think at some point you might be interested to try the Fabric to compare - I honestly do rate the strenght and the finnish - if I had some spare cash I'd send you some to try....
I have to disagree there - sorry - the board is unbiased and infact geek,geeg and mrs geek ALWAYS try and state they are unbiased - however- if a product is bloody good why shouldnt it be recommened. i originally trained with other companys and couldnt get the feedback assistance however i came here and was offered help and advice in the systems i was using (not creative) however after finding so many raves in other mags and sites and help here i converted to first fabric# and now im attempting l &p for the first time with creative. if you constatntly are told and read that a product is good shouldnt you strive to want the best for your clients - i know i did i wantted to usethe best products. however i no nothing about the products you are using so i can not comment but do they have a FREE website you can visit for help and advice from nail techs and the big guys in the industry and if so would i be welcome to comment and ask for help on their boards using a different product!!!
guys, we all have our opinions and that's cool but i dont have the money to start trying out different products so i guess it would probably best if i just leave the board and then i wont have to worry about whether its biased or not :(
Carole - no no no - forget the biased un biase B*****ks quoted its all about sharing information no-one cares who uses what, people just tend to jump in at the deep-end sometimes...and jenni i am sure you will agree if Carole beleives hers it the best system then fair play to her, and how are we to disagree...
All of the technicians who use this site praise the products they use. If there are more Creative users than others then this is only reflecting the marketplace. It doesn't mean there is bias ... just loads of enthusiasm and passion.

I originaly trained with OPI, Backscratchers and LCN. I don't dis those products. I have used and tried most everything and I know the market. There is no branded system out there that I do not know and understand ... I have made my choices ... everone else can make theirs. I am a teacher and it helps me to know all the other systems so that I can help to teach more effectively.

Why anyone should have a problem with that I can't see. My role on this site is to teach ... questions are asked and I answer them ... most of the time product doesn't even come into it ... but I use Creative and I use Fabric# and I use Brisa Gels so naturally these are sometimes my terms of reference.

Someone please explain to me why any individual should take issue with that?
Hi Carole

As Geeg pointed out she was merely trying to give you a few pointers in which I also think is the right direction, she is a fab teacher and well respected for her views.
I have been doing fibreglass for a few years now and it wasn’t until I found fabric that I managed to reach competition standard with my nails and that is for the simple reason that it is so easy to work with great for building apex ect, no one is being biased just simply trying to help you get the best nails you can produce, if you feel you are ok with the system you use then hey that’s great..............in answer to your question about building apex if I have a client with flat nail beds ie my daughter lol I tend to build the apex after applying the tip blend in and then carry on with the system.
Please don’t stay away we are here to help whichever product you use.

Take care Dawnie xxxx
Dont get mad - just my thoughts - but I think enough has been said on this thread and the actual answer to the question has got lost amongst other points of view ..maybe we should leave this alone now before someone gets even more upset...
hey i dont see it necessary to stay away from the board - like i have said its an unbiased place here - so your knowledge in the system you use will help someone else on here who uses it too - i was merely pointing out that you were supprised fabric# was recommened - it was recomennded because its proven to be good - simple as that.
Hey Dawnie
Thanx for the message and advice about apex building. Wot do you mean building it up after tip blending? Do you mean by putting extra fibreglass? I have flat nails (never noticed before, lol) so though i'd give it a try on a couple of my own.

Best wishes
I do this too after applying the tip you put a later of resin then use boost (or Stars Wrapture gel) along the apex area to give it some shape then add the fibre glass and then build you layers..
hi hunny

ok i get it (and thanx for the reference to the products i use :lol: ) but can i just ask you is wrapture gel thicker than the ordinary Star Nails resin which is what i use?
Carole - sending you a PM
Hi Carole

OK here it goes lol
Apply tip........ Place a small bead of building resin just below smile line and pat into place with the brush from the liquid activator you can do this a second time if you are not happy with your arch buff to create a smooth surface careful not to buff the white tip if that is your chosen tip ...........then apply one coat of resin to the whole nail and carry on with your fibreglass as normal.

Hope this helps.

Take care Dawnie x
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