Assignment question, please help!


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Sep 30, 2012
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Hi all!, im new here but i have an assignment to do and im stuck on a question!..

Outline the anatomy and physiology that relates to facial skin care treatments (this should include the muscles and bones of the face neck and shoulders)

Please can anyone help me?!
Hi Louise,

Do you not have a textbook you can refer to?

Look on amazon and type beauty therapy in the search box. There are lots of NVQ and related textbooks to choose from. Read the reviews for each book and then buy one.

In the meantime, you could try your college library or google the question.

Presumably, you've been given some theory around this topic at college before being given your assignment?

What are you actually stuck with? Is it how to research the information or how to present it?
hi no i dont have a text book im doing it through the open study college so im all on my own! im just not entirely sure exactly what the question means and how to research it..
I think it refers to epidermis and it's layers, the dermis, it's structure and the bones and muscles that support the face.
Agree with Haircutz you really need a text book so you can always have it to refer too.

Other than that, perhaps contact your tutor and ask them for further clarification of the question for you.

I'm not a beauty geek, so can't help, but looking at the question, it looks like it's saying - think of all the different treatments you can do on the face/neck area, and say what muscles and bones you would be treating doing treatments on the face and neck.

Does that help?

But, please, get ahead of the rest, and get yourself an NVQ textbook.
Hi all!, im new here but i have an assignment to do and im stuck on a question!..

Outline the anatomy and physiology that relates to facial skin care treatments (this should include the muscles and bones of the face neck and shoulders)

Please can anyone help me?!
Hi Louise, what beauty course are you doing through open study college? For example, Is it NVQ level 2?? If you can be more specific, I agree that you need the appropriate text book which someone may be able to recommend one knows to what level you are training.

I think you need to discuss how the face, neck (decolletage) & shoulders can benefit from a facial treatment and in order to do this you need to understand the anatomy and functions of the structures within the anatomy. I guess another way to look at the question is: How does the anatomy and physiology of your face/neck/shoulders benefit from a facial treatment?

Have a look at the following link to give a simple example of what happens within the skin through exfoliation which is part of a facial treatment.

Discovery Health "Benefits of Exfoliation"

Hope this helps. I really do think you need tutor and text book support.
does the OU not send you out course material to work from? and access to an e-library? These should teach you all you need to know as they cant expect you to know all te answers without them teacing you in their paperwork.

The level 2 books are fab though, mine has several pages on this topic alone.

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