Back from Vegas Nailympics 2005


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Alex Fox

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Cambridge & Doha

I just got back from another successful Las Vegas Nailympics - the 5th to be precise.

It was another great turnout - here are some winners for you

Gel tip & overlay

Division 1
1st - Paola Sacripante
2nd - Sarah Hager
3rd - Akina Hoshiyama
Division 2
1st - Vicki Ornellas
2nd - Tomoms Sata
3rd - Antonio Sacripante
Division 3
1st - Karin Strom
2nd - Sangi-Mi Seo
3rd - Trang Nguyen

Wraps tip & overlay
Division 1
1st - Sarah Hager
2nd- Yoko sae
3rd - Madelyn Johnson


Division 3
1st - Karin Strom
2nd- Trang Nguyen
3rd - John Hauk

L&P tip & overlay
Division 1
1st - Debbbie Cohn
2nd- Shannon Barnes
3rd - Karla Jones
Division 2
1st - Erika Goer
2nd - Rachel Mouritsen
3rd- Allison Baker
Division 3
1st - Alisha Rimando
2nd - John Hauk
3rd - Trang Nguyen

Division 1
1st - Akane Mizukoshi
2nd - Leilani Greene
3rd - Yuki Morooka
Division 2
1st - Erika Groen
2nd - Megumi Ishiyama
3rd - Allison Baker
Division 3
1st - Sang-mi Seo
2nd - Alisha Rimando
3rd - Ayumi Yamaura

Division 1
1st - Zhang Lu
2nd - Sarah Hager
3rd - Stacie Hall

No Divison 2

Division 3
1st - Amy Becker
2nd - Rachelle Schley
3rd - Gina Stanberry

Mixed Media
Division 1
1st - Robert Nguyen
2nd - Zhang Lu
3rd - Mikako Fiuma

Division 2
1st - Masumi Katoaka
2nd - Rachel Mouritsen
3rd - Skye Baldridge

Division 3
1st - Vu Nguyen
2nd- Lorena Marquez
3rd - Mieko Lee

Division 1
1st - Rober5t Nguyen
2nd - Tom Chan
2rd - Jose Aguirre

No Division 2

Division 3
1st - Sakura Ota
2nd - Hatsuki Izumioka
No 3rd place

Winner of winners
Divison 1 - Sarah Hager
Division 2 - Rachel Mouritsen
Division 3 - Karin Strom

The full report will be in the July issue of Scratch magazine

The UK's Nailympics is in the May issue - out now!

Stop press --------- next year's news

2006 London Nailympics is in May
2006 Las Vegas Nailympics is in June

regards Alex Fox

:D :D :D :D :D :D
Thanks Alex!

Tom H didn't compete then!!!???

So many Japanese!

You're back now, so answer honestly.....was it as much fun as London?

Lucky you being in Las Vegas. It is one of my favourite places for fun.

So the Nailympics are here in May!!!!! Congratulations! You obviously got it right the first time around

Thanx for keeping us up to date Alex, I too was surprised to see no mention of Tom.
You know I have to tell you, whenever Im in the car and Dakota by the Sterophonics comes on the radio, I turn it up REAL loud... cant stop myself singing along ..... "made me feel like the one, the one" .... wooo hooo! Im right back to the Nailympics and I get all excited all over again! :rolleyes:
Might sound sad to those that werent there but, that was some awards ceremony, the atmosphere was electric!!!!
Roll on next May Alex xx
Hiya Marian

Different kind of fun- London will always be special!
Tom H and Tom B did not compete
There was a wide selection of Korean and Japanese competitors and many faces we saw in London too.

It was great!
How did Liza do ?

Alex Fox said:
Hiya Marian

Different kind of fun- London will always be special!
Tom H and Tom B did not compete
There was a wide selection of Korean and Japanese competitors and many faces we saw in London too.

It was great!
hi all
my trip was fantastic, had sooooo much fun, i can't wait to go back with the kids!
unfortunatly the comp didn't go aswell as i would've liked.
the fierce air con played havoc with my setting time, which threw my timings out completely.
it was so cold in there with a massive draught, that my models hands got so cold they went numb :eek:
this meant she didn't feel me scraze her skin, i caught her 3 times, which is a 1st for me in comps.
to finish the job, i was buffing frantically with 2 mins to go, & i knocked her little nail clean off :eek:
i stuck it back on, but it didn't go back like it can sometimes do.
i dropped so many marks for those things alone, i was way out of the running :sad:
i was however pleased with my c curves & the structure of the nails, i scored 8's & 9's for them.

i still think that you walk away from every comp with new experiences, & i will take these experiences forward to the next one.
roll on excell on sept 12th/13th. 3 days after my 40th party :eek:

i would like to thank professional nails for the prize of my trip to vegas. it was everything i was hoping it would be ( well except for the comp happenings!)

well done to alex who has secured the nailympics for london next yr, i for one will definately be there.

i'm in the middle of writing up the diary of events for professional nails, so i will let u all know when it's in there.
liza x
So pleased you enjoyed your trip Lisa. Its a shame things went belly up in the comp but, I think you have a fantastic attitude towards it by drawing on all the positivespoints from it!
Ill look forward to reading your diary in the mag, and hope to see you kick some ass in September :hug:
Looking forward to reading all about it Liza,

sounds like you still did us proud while catching pnemonia hun

Well done you
Well done Liza for getting there! Glad you had a good time and I am sure they'll be watching out for you next time!
i've just properly compaired my score sheets from london & vegas.
i only scored 4 points more in the london sculpt catagory than in vegas, but i was placed 14 places higher!
like i said earlier, i lost most of my points due to scazing her skin & knocking a nail clean off, & i scored a lot higher on my "c" curve & lower/upper arches.

my scores & placings show that the standard of most of div 3, excluding the top 3-4 regular winners, is very equal.
it was announced in vegas that next yr, there will b a new "masters" catagory in the nailympics. this will b compulsory for the previous winners of the div 3 trophys.
this is great news for people like me, because it means most of the people in div 3 will b fighting a level fight.
it has been said before that people like tom holcome should retire as they keep winning everything. i personally think that you're not the best in the world untill u beat the best in the world.
however, this new catagory means that the level of skill & experience in div 3 will b more equal, allowing more people to come up through the ranks. then move on to the "masters" level to compete with the big boys!
i don't know whether this new catagory will apply to london, mayb alex can answer that one.
Dear Liza

Yes I will be bringing the MAsters category to the London event - I am running the Nailympics on behalf of Dianne and so will follow her lead.

It was great fun wasn't it Liza???!!!!!

Vegas as a location is by far the grooviest place on Earth to be competing. So worth that long flight!

see ya

Wow Liza ... sounds like you had a fab time :)

I look forward to reading your diary of events ... and hopefully will get to see you do some kick ass nails this year at one of the shows .. do you come to gmex?

Take care
Jo x
jo, i certainly will b at g-mex, i have a title to defend, & g-mex was lucky for me last yr!
i only have 1 serious gripe... DRIVING TO MANCHESTER STINKS!
not the motorway, just the approach & the damn one way systems & round-a-bouts.
they change the one-way streets everytime i come. which has been the last 3 yrs on the trot!
ruth keeps telling me to get the train with them, i think this might just b the yr i take her up on it!
the trouble is paying for myself & my model for accomadation, food, comp entry fee, & petrol, i was £20 on top last yr after winning £200 1st prize!
the train is £60 return each, so it makes a huge difference.
we'll see!

alex, we had the best time at the voodoo lounge!
which flight did u get in the end?

liza x
Hey Liza

Glad you asked...

Was so worried about the flight situation - I did not go to bed and went to the airport at 4am - a little tiddley!!!!

Thank the lord for the I-Pod!!!

See you soon

Alexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D
Hey Liza, sorry its so late but my hat goes off to you!! you are a truely fab tech & competitor too, that gives inspiration to all! you set a standard for uk techs here & worldwide that some only dream of.

Well done in vegas, EVENTFUL AS ALWAYS :wink2:

Too right you have a title to defend! your the first tech to win it, i wont be giving mine up without a fight either! ha ha.

You go girl! :cool: :cool: :cool:


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