It's tough to hear criticism, I'm the worst for it but I try hard to turn it into a positive. I ask myself.... What was the feedback? Is it warranted? Do I feel they are right and there is perhaps an opportunity for some extra training, or something I need to work on more? Is this an opportunity to make myself better for next time and improve. If it's 'yes' to most of those questions so I set about making it right so no-one can do it again (after a little cry)
If I feel the feedback is unfair or unwarranted I will ask a friend or my partner for their honest opinion in case I'm just being defensive and don't want to hear it. You can always ask here, we are a supportive gang as long as you want the truth. If your being unfairly criticised we'll tell you, but we'll also point out if they are right, but it's always done with the best intentions to help you improve.
Try not to take it personally, and I know it's really hard not to. You also have to remember you can't please all the people all the time