being a nail tech - that is SO EASY


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Peter Pan

Too sexy to be old geek
Premium Geek
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hartlepool UK
i had to share this - i went into the local hairdressers the other day to see a friend of mine, she was doing a clients hair that was showing off pics of her new aromatherapy room..very nice i said - it looks lovely, she then went on to tell me that she is going to do nails and get taught by someone who is showing someone else in her brothers salon. oh great i said.

then crunch time - she said - well "ITS A PIECE OF P***" to do isnt it, anyone can do nails - its just a case of slapping on some acrylic, they dont know if its right or wrong"
all i could do was walk away (laffing) "you go girl if you think its a piece of p*** you go", my friend knows what ive gone thro to get to where i am now and it took some time and some hard nosing in my books to get to the standard im at now and im STILL LEARNING -

honestly some dozy women really do think its easy - i would love to see them on a PROPER COURSE WITH CREATIVE OF COURSE, bet she wouldnt get very far
So many people seem to think it's a piece of er... um urine! One of my clients moved from the area about 3 months ago, and has been doing her own nails...well she popped round to see me a couple of days ago, and the state of her nails...ugh! she had been 'doing' other peoples nails as well! :rolleyes:

At least you haven't got any worries about losing any trade Glynis, in fact you could pick up a few, when you have to put them right! which i am currently doing with a salon local to me, but hey, that's another story!
so i take it you can do hairdressing, im sure all you have to do is chop at it a bit, the client doesnt know if its right or not!


Peice of p!55:lol: !

luckybird21 said:
so i take it you can do hairdressing, im sure all you have to do is chop at it a bit, the client doesnt know if its right or not!


Peice of p!55:lol: !

oh dont you have to use scissors for that choppin in bit lol - im sure as eggs is eggs that if my hairdresser doesnt know what shes doing - it will show and i wouldnt let her near my hair
shame your friend doesnt relize that with nails! She may really damage someone!
hahah that is sooo funny! but i must admit... techs make it looks so easy!! i have just finished training and it is going to take me years to master it like some of you chickies have!! :o)
this is a funny thread...i have had some funny comments over the years...someone was moving abroad in 2 days and she asked me if i would 'teach her nails' before she left so she could make some money while there! I told her we would get as far as teaching her the bones of the hand and maybe shaping the free edge lol...also someone said to me once...'how can there be a magazine JUST about nails...surely it would all fit on a couple of pages!' I had to laugh, I handed her the magazine and she was like....'wow there is quite a lot to this nails business then' LOLOL...I then was going to show her Doug Schoons book and all the other theory books I had but decided to save that for another time! :lol:
It takes a really good technician to make it look easy.
They just have not seen the blood, sweat and tears it has taken to get to that standard.
I wish I had the time to tell you about every person who had come to me and said things like ... "I plan to have opened 50 franchises by this time next year"! Or "Now I've taken the course I will train all my nail technicians myself, then they won't have certificates and won't be able to leave the salon." etc etc.

To my knowledge, NONE of the 'big plans' have ever come off!! Not one. They all think it's so easy. I would just love to run into any one of them now!

I don't even listen any more. Just smile and say good luck!
Its a very ignorant person who says doing Nails is a piece of p..., Wait until they actually start training and are ripping their hair out because they can't get there L&P ratio right or why is that nail lifting or why the green looking bit. Oh yes let this person observe and learn, But the thing they will lack is professionalism and education ;)
It has to make you smile, just tell them to say sorry in advance to all the clients who will leave her with damaged nails.

I am thinking of doing my own electrics at my new shop, after all its only coloured wires, wot can go wrong, ha ha!!!!! BANG!
whilst doing a girls nails a few weeks ago, she said that she was going to college to start a beauty course. she then said to me 'i'd love to do your job' and i thought 'aww how lovely, she aspires to be like me', that is until she followed up her remark with 'you get to sit down all day'
i would love to see her attempt of l&p on a nail trainer for a laugh..........i have been doing l&p since i passed in august, but am still practising as i dont feel i am yet at a good enough standard for my clients. i wont be offering it as a service until i am happy, until then they will have to make do with gel,fibreglass, silk or another
Ahhh well at least when she ruins everyones nails and they realise how bad she is , you can have all her clients and show them how its really done!

i have been doing l&p nails since feb this year and i am still not confident in what i do, i know they are improving slowly...but i have got plenty of time to get better! if she thinks its that easy she should be laughing then! bet she
Kat xxx
:lol: :lol: Well.... find out what date she is planning to start this 'easy nails' business of hers and you could sell tickets to all the Geeks on here, we could go round, take a ring side seat and watch her make a fool of herself, could be good entertainment!! J x
it really does make you laugh when people say this. i would say thanks to them, when they say what for, say, for all the clients i will get from putting right what you've done
I wish it were a peice of pi$$.! Learning nails and starting my own business has been one of the most stressful things i have ever embarked upon!!!

I havent left a message on here be4, but i have been reading for a few weeks and i love it. sometimes i am engrosed with all the information and sometimes i am rolling about laughing at all the funnies.

I have a confession to make, my nail tech used to come to my house and i had calgel done by her for 2 years, i began to think why am i paying all this money it looks so easy, all i need are some gel products and a uv lamp and hey presto...i purchased some Edge from the internet and did my own nails, i thought they looked quite good and started to get the bug, so i then did my mates nails, they lasted a day or 2. I thought i must be doing something wrong so i tried to take mine off to start again, but to my shock it doesnt soak off like my nail tech used to do with calgel, so i rang her and told her what i had done, she was very nice and offererd to take it off for me, but still i thought nehh i can do it. I got my file and filed like i have the worst nails ever, they are thin, week and sore. I have taken alot of my own nail off with it. As with no training at all i didnt know what was the gel and what was my own nail...silly girl i hear you all shout and your right, silly to think that just by watching my nail tech i knew it all.
However i still had the bug and love nails so you will be gald to hear i have just booked my gel foundation course with Creative in Nottingham and i cant wait i just feel sorry for whoever i get partnered with as i have no idea how anyone will be able to practice on my nails, there is nothing left of them.
So a message to all of you nail techs, you are very skilled and people should not make the assuption that its as easy as as i know its not.
Jo Jo said:
:lol: :lol: Well.... find out what date she is planning to start this 'easy nails' business of hers and you could sell tickets to all the Geeks on here, we could go round, take a ring side seat and watch her make a fool of herself, could be good entertainment!! J x
hahaha - good idea - it would be a sell out
~bec~ said:
I wish it were a peice of pi$$.! Learning nails and starting my own business has been one of the most stressful things i have ever embarked upon!!!
...tell me about it - it's made me hysterical, I'm laughing one minute (done a great new salon looks gorge:D :D ) then crying the next (lifting after day one...broke my own nail...someone shouted at me :cry: :cry: )!!!

It's true what you all say - the amount of clients that have slyly asked... so how much do all these gels and things cost???.

Sometimes you just can't convince them it's the training that's the important bit cos "it looks so easy" So you just have to tell em it costs ££1000s!!!! (they feel sorry for you and tip a bit more this way too!:wink2: )

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