Business cards through doors


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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2012
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Hi all,
I've not long started my business and I am now on week 2 of having hardly any clients and I'm in ultimate panic mode!
I can't afford to buy flyers at this moment in time but I do have over a thousand business cards! I was just wondering would it be a good idea to go out today and just post them out? Ideally flyers would be best but at this moment needs must!!!
Does it work with just a business card? I look forward to hearing from you :)
Hi all,
I've not long started my business and I am now on week 2 of having hardly any clients and I'm in ultimate panic mode!
I can't afford to buy flyers at this moment in time but I do have over a thousand business cards! I was just wondering would it be a good idea to go out today and just post them out? Ideally flyers would be best but at this moment needs must!!!

Why not? If you have something you can use...use it!
Thank you gona get off my rear and start now then!!!
I ordred 100 flyers on vista print for £3.70
Well- this is cheap- but to be fair, if you're going leafleting with 100 flyers then it's a drop in the ocean. It's barely a couple of streets.

For a decent response you'd probably need 50 times that :)
Business cards are better than nothing my lovely, get those trainers on! I hope things pick up for you soon, are you on all the social media sites yet? I'm only doing evenings at the moment as work 50/60 hours a week in sales but I'm getting lots of "friends of friends" requesting appointments via Facebook - and its free! hth xxx
Why not design and print your own? A lot cheaper I would say, especially if you did 3 per page (if that makes sense?). I've done it this way and it looks quite good if I do say so myself! lol! xx
Ive done 2 x 5000 leaflet jobs with little sucess. Not going there again!

It cant hurt to drop a few bussiness cards, if your not busy it wont do any harm.

Hi just done a few. Hope it works! I feel I've done something wrong? My regular clients have all cancelled in the past couple of weeks and theyve been on going since I've started. I really feel like rubbish today. I don't no what else to do? I've been on Facebook no response that's where I get my clients from mainly! I need inspiration on a skin tight budget to promote my business! Sorry for going on.
I really hope my opinions and experience will help you in this. I have another job, and, as a form of "research" for myself and my team, I letterboxed business cards and flyers through doors.

Stats wise, I did 5.000, yes ,you read correct, 5.000, and had 1 inquiry. did the same again the week after and 2 inquiries, and this level of stats went on for 6 weeks, as they say you need to do it for 6 weeks to get a valid stats working.

I think you really need to get in front of these people, and what has worked for me has been having stalls at events, pamper events, childrens nurseries, hospital fund raising activities, church events, in fact anything at all.
Search stallfinder .com for events coming up in your area, they don't have to be expensive, I find the cheaper the stall the better the response.

Try doing a sample of what you offer at these events, ie, one nail, a mini facial, just 10 minutes it dosn't have to be long, but anything that will get them looking at you and what you have to offer.

Lay your stall out nicely but simply, but most of all, talk to people. People really love to talk to stallholders at events, and if you offer some discounts for bookings, you could do very well.

I'm not being defeatists with the letter box carding, just trying to save you time and expense, plus, it can be quite disheartening when you don't get any response.

People will trust a face that can see and talk to.
hope this helps.
Hi just done a few. Hope it works! I feel I've done something wrong? My regular clients have all cancelled in the past couple of weeks and theyve been on going since I've started. I really feel like rubbish today. I don't no what else to do? I've been on Facebook no response that's where I get my clients from mainly! I need inspiration on a skin tight budget to promote my business! Sorry for going on.

Chin up girl, consistent persistency, and you'll get there. xx
Thank you so much Christine Mary!!! I'm logging online right now!!! Gona check out stallfinder and get involved!!! I'm dying to work it's driving me crazy!!!
Thank you so much Christine Mary!!! I'm logging online right now!!! Gona check out stallfinder and get involved!!! I'm dying to work it's driving me crazy!!!

You're most welcome, just go anywhere that has an event. Local village fund raising events are great.

When you do go, try to get the other stallholders business cards, and give them yours, and agree to contact each other if you both hear of any events.
The more people see your face, the more trust there is.
You go girl. xx
I got 5000 flyers done a few months ago, on the front is my contact details, fone number email facebook ets also importantly, where i trained the experience i have and any info that will sell you to a new client. Ie, you get 2 flyers/business cards through the door for the same thing one has only contact details the other has some background info... which one would you choose ? the one with the info? I know i would, no way id make an app with someone who i knew nothing about, most of my clients i get through other clients because they tell ppl what im offering etc, every quiet day i have im out doing roughly 300 flyers at any one time, it does work, sometimes i get a fone call and when i ask the address i realise it was months ago i flyered that street so not all the work is immediate but its there, i generally do well from the flyering, i will however saw be careful!! I was out a few weeks ago and managed to get bitten by a dog whilst posting a flyer ended up at A&E had to get my hand bandaged and anti-biotics! But still il be out flyering will just need to be more careful next time, the hubby is gona get me a kevlon glove (sp) aparently they cant be punctured!
I really hope my opinions and experience will help you in this. I have another job, and, as a form of "research" for myself and my team, I letterboxed business cards and flyers through doors.

Stats wise, I did 5.000, yes ,you read correct, 5.000, and had 1 inquiry. did the same again the week after and 2 inquiries, and this level of stats went on for 6 weeks, as they say you need to do it for 6 weeks to get a valid stats working.

I think you really need to get in front of these people, and what has worked for me has been having stalls at events, pamper events, childrens nurseries, hospital fund raising activities, church events, in fact anything at all.
Search stallfinder .com for events coming up in your area, they don't have to be expensive, I find the cheaper the stall the better the response.

Try doing a sample of what you offer at these events, ie, one nail, a mini facial, just 10 minutes it dosn't have to be long, but anything that will get them looking at you and what you have to offer.

Lay your stall out nicely but simply, but most of all, talk to people. People really love to talk to stallholders at events, and if you offer some discounts for bookings, you could do very well.

I'm not being defeatists with the letter box carding, just trying to save you time and expense, plus, it can be quite disheartening when you don't get any response.

People will trust a face that can see and talk to.
hope this helps.

While I'd agree that leafleting isn't for everyone, I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. There are so many variables, such as what you're trying to "sell", who you're trying to sell it to, the demographics of your area, the way the leaflet was written and designed, the level and activity of your competition (the list goes on).

You're absolutely right in testing the market Christine- but don't forget that those stats only apply to you and your area. They can't really be extrapolated to another business in another area.

I've experience of our own salon doing very well from leafleting campaigns over the last 10 years.

Getting in front of people is an excellent idea, but a good marketing campaign needs lots of strings to its bow, and leafleting can be a valid exercise.

I suppose the only way a smaller business can know if its going to work is by trying it.

The OP was asking what she can do now with a lack of business and with a spare 1,000 business cards- and I would suggest that getting your trainers on and letterboxing the local area is preferable to sitting on the PC and worrying :)
I ordred 100 flyers on vista print for £3.70

Second this! Vista print is great. And a lot of things are free you jut have to pay postage xx
Don't know if his will help but
My parents know a few of their neighbours (not well but to say hello to) and they have seen me flitting in and out of my mums so i guess I'm a familiar face.
So I knocked on a few of their doors had a quick 2 minute chat with them quickly explaining that I am quite new to the industry, telling them what treatments I do, offers that are in at the moment, blah blah blah. And handed them a card.
I've had 4 clients from doing this and only knocked on 9 doors.
Might not help but I thought I'd say anyway :)
Good luck and I hope it picks up for you soon. Xx
Just update I'm back out again this time to local businesses and I've got a client next week!!! :D so once I get more clients I'll do the leaflets then so more info on them!!! I'm soo happy I've done this now!!! Now onto tesco express!!! :D
Just update I'm back out again this time to local businesses and I've got a client next week!!! :D so once I get more clients I'll do the leaflets then so more info on them!!! I'm soo happy I've done this now!!! Now onto tesco express!!! :D

Well done!! And good luck :)
Hard work pays off and it will be hard but you will get there!
I'm in the same position at the mo and it's scary but if we keep promoting then we'll get there xxx

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