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Geeg & Geek


OK that's cool, all sorted.  I really don't want to offend anyone but I asked a simple question, what gel/gels work with your lamp?  


I don't believe for one minute that every gel technician only uses the lamp reletive to their branded gel.  I've had nails done where the gel & lamp are not of the same brand & it's worked.   People are not keen to admit that they use X brand gel with X UV lamp because they are aware that in an ideal world you ought to work within the same 'tool brand' as much as possible.  I did read the post that you refered to but my question which gel/which lamp was not answered.  It was in depth & informative but not quite what I was looking for.


I don't need a slanging match with anyone but it's so frustating to not be able to scream... It wasn't me... That's not what I meant.....etc.  What is the exact temperature at which blood will boil? LOL  JOKING


Anyway we are all adults so lets just read, learn & help one another as best we can.  There is so much I have learnt from this site & clearly so much more I need to learn so 'Happy Posting to You All'  ( getting in the swing for Christmas!!!!!!)


