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The problem is, that what you think has worked ie cured, may not have.

Under curing is something you cannot always see or feel.  A gel may look cured because it is hard and shiney, but infact may not be fully cured, and this is where the problems lie.  Many are using lamps that are not giving out the full amount of UV necessary because the bulbs are old. How do you know???  YOu don't.  You just have to be zealous about changing  your bulbs at regular intervals and hope they are doing the job required of them.

It would be great if there was a universal lamp that worked with every product line, but products vary too much for this to be a possibility.  I'm sure you are correct that not every gel user uses the appropriate lamp for their system, but this does not mean they are working either correctly or safely .. in some cases they may be, and in some cases not.  Many gels are manufactured by the same 'manufacturer' and in that case one lamp would be ok for several different lines BUT you cannot rely  on this being true with every gel, particularly the more sophisticated systems  ... definitely not with those.

Most well known product lines are good at doing the job.  If you have a loyalty to one company then trust them to provide what you need, and go with it.  Buy the system with the appropriate UV Lamp and you will be sure that you have the right tools for the job.

Again sorry for the mix up the other night.  I thought you landed on me quite hard, but I have broad shoulders and the information hasn't changed ... wrong person but we all make mistakes and as I had only answerd a very similar question not 12 hours before, I assumed (one should never  assume) it was the same poster.  I have learned a lesson.
