Judge Gigi-Honorary Geek
Not sure where the 'side' thing comes into it & I certainly have no intention of being part of anyone's side... I simply responded to Geeg's post as I had read it & explained why I had read it that way & she explained what she had actually meant to say. As far as I can see that's simply disagreement, I'm assuming (again!) that some have read malice in what I had to say, but there was none there, simply I disagreed with the point I felt was being made.
No, Martin, I did not explain what I MEANT to say, I expalained what I actually said in quite plain English and more than several times. :lol:
Let's not start up the whole rigmarole again shall we? I said what I said and I meant what I wrote and however you personally chose to interperet what I wrote is your affair and yours alone. Well of course we can add AriellaGray and her good friend Stilts too. Fine with me. :hug: