Choosing an acrylic system?


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New Member
Jan 5, 2018
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Bc, canada
Hi Everyone. I am a new to the nail enhancement industry and still in the process of choosing all my favourite products. So far I have used the Young Nails and Enailcutoure acrylics, with the Young nails coming out on top of the 2. I would like to get some feedback regarding CJP and maybe Ugly duckling acrylics compared to YN acrylic. Thank you in advance. I am sure you all know how frustrating the trail and error process can be.
Jolandi - if someone is new, it is really difficult for them to test products. How can a novice musician know the difference between a student violin and a Stradivarius? As a developer and manufacturer, we do a lot of testing - both our own products and competitors. But we use our most experienced international educators to do this.

So I really recommend that you find a company that you want to work with, who offers good quality education and you start with this. It will be less frustrating for you and allow you to develop much faster. It's so important to be shown the application technique for the product - it's not always the same (we developed special techniques from our experience with competitions and our in-depth knowledge of the product, for example).

Good luck with your journey!

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