Cleanser for brush wipe


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Nov 27, 2016
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Hi all, I have a fairly straight forward question for you.

I want to start using cleanser/resuidue remover on my brush wipes to help control odors as I have read that many people have had great success doing this.

Can doing this cause service breakdown for l&p? i don’t want to do this if it is a risk to the integrity and structure of the system.

Thanks in advance
It won't cause product breakdown issues but you might ruin your brush, Kolinsky sable hair brushes should be cleaned with fresh monomer. Just dispense a small amount into your dappen dish, burp the brush in it a few times, wipe on clean paper towel and store with the lid on bristles down.

Brush cleaner can soak into the ferrule of the brush and start to break down the adhesive, this will cause yellow streaking in your product when you apply and it will contaminate the monomer dispensed for that client.
hi Trinity, I wasn’t actually talking about brush cleaner, just the alcohol usually used for removing the inhibition layer on gel. I do not use brush cleaner as I know that it degrades our precious brushes.
I remember Geeg saying that she used to keep a pad soaked in Scrubfresh on her desk so she could wipe her brush to help minimise odour.
hi Trinity, I wasn’t actually talking about brush cleaner, just the alcohol usually used for removing the inhibition layer on gel. I do not use brush cleaner as I know that it degrades our precious brushes.

Ah! Sorry, I missunderstood, Pure has answered your question perfectly as always :D

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