Client record cards and starting small business


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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2004
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hey guys, just wondering if you can all help me a lil bit ......,
i have just finished my course in cerfiticate 2 in australia and while i am working during the week as a sales administator i am also doing a few peoples nails on the weekend and after work some nights... i am only young (19) and have only done about..... 15 full sets and prolly about 5 refills.... at the moment i only have 5 regular clients and they are just close friends.... i am still taking so long doing nails though!!! like 3 hours for a full set and refill (pink and white)

I just want to know what kind of things i need to start doing as i have never worked in the industry... like client cards for once... hwat kinds of things sould i put on them... i am thinking of making a few tonight.....
i have also made up some price lsts and getting some basic business cards sent out in a couple of weeks.....

can n e one help me :(
If you go to the CND site they have a NVQ section, and in there is an example client record sheet which helped me a lot.
I've made my own cards using 6x4" plain index cards using the NVQ sheet, what I learned on my manicure course, and existing record cards (from beauty wholesalers) as my guide.
Don't know how anyone else does theirs, but on the front of the card I have their details (name, D.O.B partly so I can send out birthday promotions, address and phone number, and their job/lifestyle), a section for noting the initial condition of each nail plus tip size (if they're having enhancements), and a section for medical history/important notes and comments. On the back I have a grid for date, service performed, colour of polish used (so if they ask for 'what I had last time' next time they come in, you know which one to use!), and a section for any comments.
I might also do an A4 sheet like the CND NVQ one to keep filed away, but the cards are easier to carry as mobile.
Lol x
thanks heaps but just a really stupid question... what does CND NVQ mean... where do i find those client cards??? heehe
lol thanks thats a start... so now where would i go to see client cards lol sorry to be a pain guys....
If you go into your local beauty wholesaler they ought to have record cards in their for nails as well as hair, tanning etc.
Can't speak for you in Aus, so probably isn't much help, but Sally's here does them, or maybe someone else could scan in a blank card to send you?
I can mail you my design if that helps?
The book 'Manicure Pedicure & Advanced Nail Techniques' has a section on client records if you can find a copy of that, I'm sure other geeks will know what other books cover it too.
Sorry for being so vague in my first post with 'CND' and 'NVQ' :o
Lol x
Oh, and as for blank index cards, you should be able to get them at a decent stationers. 6x4" is the larger of the two sizes that are usually made, better to fit more info on!
thanks heaps bimbogeri(lol i LOVE that name sweet!) if you could scan one of your cards it would be verryyyyy much apreciated!!! my email is [email protected]... in australia we dont really have client cards in nail salons... i have been to 4 nail salons and never once had one to fill out... r even seen them do it... when i make my appoint. they just ask what i wanted to have done, name and contact number so they can confirm the appointment but i dont need them n e more as i now do my own nails... oh how it helps~ :)
Hi Jesbica,

I am in Sydney, I get my client cards from a place called Salon First, they are in Seven Hills, but they have other locations around australia, you could also try contacting Pacific Nail & Beauty , I dont have the numbers here at home but if you would like them i can get them for you :)

Kerrie :)
OMG finally someone from Australia hehehehee a was starting to think i might be the only one.... do you work from home Kerrie????
Hi Jesbica,

There are a few of us on here in Australia, what state are you in?

I rent a space in a hairdressing salon here in Sydney, although i did start out at home and moved out into a salon when i felt a little more confident.

Doing freinds and family is a great way to start and get more practice, and your times will improve with more practice and experience, although time really isnt that important to begin with, making sure you do a great set or a great rebalance is more important, speed will come later.

If you like you can email me and i can help with any questions and advice on starting up :)

Kerrie :)
Hey guys another aussie starting up here too! I'm on Sydney's Northern Beaches - where are you both ?
im an adelaide gal :)

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