i work mobile and there is one client i dread to do as her little daughter touches all of my stuff, and her mum lets her get away with it:irked:! its not up to me to tell the child to not touch as i feel rude. It's your salon, send emails etc.. out to all of your clients stating that you cannot work with kids around you while you work also you are not insured for children. I wish i could have a no children's policy, but as i have said before it's a bit hard when it's you going to them.
As far as your property goes, you are well within in your right to tell her not to touch. Politely of course, but you could say something like "I'm sorry sweetie, but I don't allow children to touch these things, not even my nieces". By adding "my nieces", you're showing that it's not this particular child you object to and the mother can't get offended.
If a parent is incapable of keeping their children under control, you shouldn't have to suffer the consequences.
My children are 5 & 7 years old and my 'salon' is in the upstairs living room at my house (family/play room is in the basement). They have never, not one single time, ever touched anything on my table or the polishes on the wall rack. They have been taught that it's a no-no. When my youngest was 2, she didn't even go near it. Having said that, parents CAN teach their children to stay away from you. But that's dependant on them and who's the actual boss in their house
(parent or the child?)
I understand that being mobile, a 'no children' policy is difficult. HOWEVER, you could make a "no children
In other words, you will not do enhancements unless
another caregiver is present to take care of the children and keep them away from the table where you are working.
For a few reasons this is important:
1) children WILL interupt, I don't care how well behaved they are...and interuptions cost you time and time is money. You could explain to the client that you have another following her and can't afford the time of interuptions as the other client doesn't take kindly to tardiness.
2) insurance reasons... they could knock something and get hurt or whatever...
3) if something is spilled (acetone/polish) due to a child bumping the table or whatever, WHO is paying for the spilled product AND the damage said product might do to the client's carpet/floor? In this case, it SHOULD be the client.
4) can you really do your best work with a child nearby, jostling the table and interupting ?? I can't.
I know it's hard to be firm about 'no children' policies. I myself am a mother and struggled to find time away from my kids on my own. BUT IT CAN BE DONE. Don't let anyone guilt you into it. There is ALWAYS a way around it, and if the mum says there isn't; she's not trying very hard. I sympathize with them, I really do. But there is ALWAYS a way.