Hi guys my lady is wanting this. I’m doing bleach highlights then thinking of toning with wella illumina 10/69??
I’ve never used this brand before so slightly nervous. Thoughts please
I don’t use wella but sounds about right, though it depends on the colour of her hair already! I’d be tempted to alternate with teasy lights to blend it at the root and depending on the level you start with maybe balayage the ends of what you leave out.
Personally I’d do a foil Mohawk of babylights few around the front sides aswell to keep bright around her face. Once they’ve lifted I’d rinse off and then go back in a tone but do a smudge tone. So I’d do 6/16 and 5/81 in illumina on the roots drag down bout inch and a half then smudge in 10/69 and 9/60 through the ends. Message me if that doesn’t make sense I can’t explain better x
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