Coming off Microgynon 30 (the Pill)


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Active Member
Jul 15, 2011
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I've decided I think I should come off the pill (my one is Microgynon) No longer in a relationship and I don't really think I should carry on taking it when there's not much need. Just wondering if anyone else has come off any pill and what I can expect?

Is my skin likely to go spotty? If so what can I do about it?
Will I have a weight gain or weight loss?

Also I suppose I should carry on taking this months packet, as half way through and then stop after period, instead of in the middle of it?
I always break out when I go off, but I generally find I get smaller. My periods get all wacky and horribly heavy though!!!

I'm going for a mirena.
Thats the coil isn't it? I think thats a much better idea than the pill. When are you getting that done?
I made this mistake once, my hormones were all over the place, horrible menstruation, break outs etc. Doesn't help that I have pcos.

I find I always break out in my pill free week but I too am looking at getting the mirena instead.
Thats the coil isn't it? I think thats a much better idea than the pill. When are you getting that done?

It's not a coil, a thin flexible jelly like tiny thing.

Google it!! I did. my dr said my period should be almost nothing soon. I'm going for my consult next week and i'll hopefully get it before i go on vacay to the US on sept 14
You might not break out!

I came off for 2 months while I changed pills and didn't break out although really thought I would!

And when after 2 months the monthlys reappeared it was perfectly normal but just a little long.

Not too horrible!
I got a mirena 3months ago and it's been brilliant! I'd really recommend it! No periods so I'm a happy girl! No weight gain either! :) x
mirena is the coil.

This may suit some people but others can have longer, painful and heavier periods with it.

Discuss various contraceptive options with your nurse/doctor.

If you dont need contraception then dont have any.
I had the marina and although its classed as a coil its very different as it has the same hormone in it as the mini pill, it is a 5 year slow release thing and for most people is stops their periods. Worked for meas in contraception/periods but I just didnt like the thought of it being there so had it removed !
Hi my mum works in family planning, I've had 4 mirena IUD's (each one removed to have a baby & then replaced at 6wk check), it's NOT the coil a coil is a piece of plastic with a copper wire attached, mirena is fab for me no spots, periods, moodswings or weight gain & you dont have to have given birth to have one fitted, I'm sure someone else may have a different experience but my mum fits loads of them & overall the girls are delighted with them hth x
My non beauty job is as a pharmacy dispenser, everyone is different so no one can predict how you will find it. But generally speaking your 1st period might b heavy and maybe irratick but they will settle down. I have swapped pills, come off them and had the injection then gone back to pills, my body reacts different to each scenario but always settles after a month or so but as I said, it's difficult to know how you'll be xXx

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