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I hope you are all safe and well.

For as long as I can remember, I have had a true passion for anything nail related, from simple well manicured nails, to the most impressive nail art. In early 2020, I decided to bite the bullet and start my journey into the nail industry, however, the dreaded COVID hit and so I felt it best to press pause on my plans and spend the time doing more research (around my current full-time job). I realise that many companies started offering online courses, but I just didn't feel these were what I was looking for and could not replace in classroom training. I like to know I'm doing things right, and I just felt that I wouldn't get the same sort of guidance and possibly pick up bad habits. I know this won't replace proper training either, but I am currently reading Marian Newman's 'The Complete Nail Technician' from cover to cover, so I am best placed to start a nail course when I can (hopefully soon!).

Anyway, I have been researching a few courses now and narrowed it down to the following:

- CND Liquid & Powder Beginners

- Light Elegance Beginners (Gel)

- Bio Sculpture Beginners

- IKON.IQ Nails Nail Technician Soak-off Gel education (couldn't find a lot of info on their website though)

- IKON.IQ Nails Nail Technician Acrylic Liquid & Powder education (couldn't find a lot of info on their website though)

I appreciate I probably need to decide what medium I want to train in first, before deciding on the course, however I'm not quite sure and would like to eventually train in both. I am thinking that acrylic is harder, so if I can master that, then I have a better foundation for mastering gel, but realise that acrylic has sort of gone out of fashion, so is it worth it?

I also looked at The Gel Bottle Academy, but got scared off when I did a bit more research. I know Bio Sculpture and CND have been in the game for a long while, so felt in safer hands. I am petrified of using a product incorrectly and myself or a client developing an allergy that I/they will have for life.

One thing I do know is that once the courses resume that I need to stop pondering and push myself to go for it. I am 37 and although I know it's not old by any means, I'm worried that there will be loads of wonderfully talented 20 somethings on the same course and I'll feel old and past it! 🤣 is it too late?

