New Member
hi everyone just wondering if anybody can give me an answer to the client has been coming 2 me 4 a few years and always had bleach with 6percent peroxide highlights and a few months ago decided she would like 2 go abit darker so i did every 3rd foil 7/0 colour touch [wella] she is a base 7 naturally the colour looked really nice and broke the blonde up but faded quite quickley so this time around 12weeks later i decided 2 use 6/0 with 6 percent perox wella koleston perfect but only had the permanent in stock and no colour touch i did every 3rd packet 6/0 i left it 30mins and it didnt look like it had taken at all??? it looked lighter then wen id applyed the 7/0 last time?? her hair is very dry from using bleach i just cant figure it out as 2 why it didnt take as the 7/0 grabbed it really well within the first 5mins>> any1 with ideas would be grateful