De Clutter your daft head!


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Jan 6, 2006
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Planet Zog!!!!!
De Clutter your daft head! - well most of you probably don't need to unlike me :lol:

Well geeky friends – here we are with part 4 of my thoughts and feelings – this time on de cluttering your mind! Now this is a tricky one for me – because I have such a cluttered brain – with lots of useless information, daft thoughts, paranoia……. oh and let’s not forget that there are a few sensible brain cells somewhere in there! :rolleyes:In fact it’s a bit like my double garage -which is that full of stuff I can’t get either of our cars into it - don’t believe me look at the attached thumbnails :lol:

Anyway, less of my garage and back to the brain! As most of you know the brain is classified as a muscle – so the more you use it, the more intelligent you become. Within our brains we have what they call neural pathways – so each time we have a thought or an emotion it is etched into our brain. The more you have/feel/repeat these thoughts and emotions the deeper those neural pathways become and voila! – there you have learnt how to enhance nails, become a rocket scientist or – like me a total daft head :lol:

So as you can see – if we can learn how to become any of the above (and or more) which is extremely positive, then it also means that if you continually repeat a negative thought then that thought will get etched deeper into you psyche – not good! Therefore, it is best to clear these thoughts out of our mind and renew/overwrite these pathways with newer happier thoughts!

We find it easy to de clutter the physical clutter out of life (well some of you do – me I’m a lost cause :rolleyes:) and if we were to admit it – our minds are the most cluttered of all, so let’s give our brain a workout and start that clearing out

“Not easy, I can’t do that” I hear you shouting at the computer screen at me and I have to admit it is difficult but it can be done. The first thing you have to do is work out what you can or can’t change.

So first things first – you have to write the dreaded list and this can be quite difficult and will require some truthful soul searching e.g.

What is worrying you?

What you can and can’t change

What overwhelms you?

What do you fear the most?

The single most important thing to me in my life is…..

If I didn’t have this job/house I would be so……..

If I could change one thing in my life it would be……..

If I could channel some of my free energy into one worthy cause what would it be?

If you change your attitude to something would that improve the situation?

What slice of your mental energy do you save each day to share with your spouse/partner or roommate?

What is the worst that could happen to you?

What is the best thing that could happen to you?

Ask yourself what uses, holding onto these thoughts are doing for/to you?

How much better would life be if I didn’t think about these destructive thoughts all the time?

You can add you own questions to the list as well these are only suggestions to get you started

So what are we trying to achieve? We are trying to find out what is most important to you and what thoughts/actions you could ditch. It may surprise you how much mental clutter you have and how much it is wrapped up and stifled by clutter – that is if you are totally honest with yourself on your list. It is IMHO much harder letting go of this mental clutter than letting go of that physical clutter!

So, beginning with the easiest items first, start working your way through your list. Cross items off as you deal/change them. As you start to change things it will feel wonderful to cross things off and keep track of your progress.

Women especially need to learn to say ‘NO’ more often. “No” is one of the hardest words to say. We don’t want to let people down, we don’t want to make waves and we want to feel needed. Only say ‘yes’ to those things that you can WHOLEHEARTEDLY say yes to and know that you will not break your promise.

Do not keep repeating to yourself things like:-

I’m ugly and fat:eek:
I useless:eek:
I’m no good at……:eek:

Instead repeat things like:-

I can improve the way I look by leading a healthier life :green:
I am a good person who does her/his best:green:
I am improving my skills all the time:green:

When you start having the negative thoughts you need to distract yourself – I have an elastic band and if I realise that I am having “one off those thoughts” I twang it – and yep it certainly stops me thinking them darn negative thoughts :lol: If you aren’t into inflicting pain on yourself – do something nice that you enjoy.

De cluttering your mind is the ultimate "letting go." It’s a necessary part of our own self preservation/self-care and we rarely acknowledge that, never mind do anything about it. Ditch the worry, the frustration, the anger, and anything else that’s cluttering your mind’s closet. You’ll be glad you did and you will be happier for it. :green:

Right - I'm off to sort out my garage for the second time this year :eek: :lol: must remember the below

Out of clutter, find simplicity.
From Discord, Find Harmony.
In the Middle of difficulty Lies Opportunity.
Albert Einstein (Three Rules of Work)


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Debs I think you need to be on the telly dishing out this advice xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Clara:green: - I'm too much of a scardy cat :eek: :lol: :eek:

I meant to say as well geeky ones that can you see how it all ties in with making your choices and your worries - Like Lellipop says but them worries and that clutter into a box and imagine it floating away or throw it into your recycle button and press the delete key - then you will have more room and energy to improve your choices :green:
Thanks Clara:green: - I'm too much of a scardy cat :eek: :lol: :eek:

I meant to say as well geeky ones that can you see how it all ties in with making your choices and your worries - Like Lellipop says but them worries and that clutter into a box and imagine it floating away or throw it into your recycle button and press the delete key - then you will have more room and energy to improve your choices :green:

Debs I totally agree with everything you have written and I think with us having the same problems we are probably a lot more keyed up on this kind of thing :hug:
What are we going to do without you!
Debs I totally agree with everything you have written and I think with us having the same problems we are probably a lot more keyed up on this kind of thing :hug:

What are we going to do without you!
Thanks Lellipop, you are so right:hug: - it doesn't mean it is easy though practising what you preach, but if our thoughts and advice can help just a little then it is all worth while :green: oey - you are a sweetie :hug: - you are all stuck with me :eek: - I love my geeky family :green:

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