Does anyone use this software in their hairdressers?


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Oct 28, 2010
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I have opened a small salon in the outskirts of London and I have started using Salon Advance Software System. So far I have been pretty pleased with it and I think they are quite friendly on the phone too.

But I have had a quick browse through some of the threads on software systems and I have seen they have had a few bad reviews.

Is anyone else using them and how are they are coping?


Hi Terri,

I am based in the out skirts of London and I'm using salon advance. Are you based in the north?

We've had it for about 8 months and I have seen a massive change in the software and support. So far we've had 3 upgrades in the past 6 months. Things really only picked up once we were on support (we had a power cut...well actually one of my girls pulled out the plug while the computer was still on!:lol:)
When we started using the SMS marketing quite a few of our old customers returned to us when we started to market new offers and birthday discounts.

Hope that helps
Hi Sophie,

Thought I'd message you back on here lol! Thanks for all your help by the way.

I spoke to the guy (I keep forgetting his name!!) and we have set up text message marketing and OMG! What a massive difference it has made! Any other tips you can pass on :Love:

Thanks for all your help and keep in touch!

Terri: The salon I'm in uses Salon Advance. We joined back in Sept so we are pretty new ourselves. My boss deals with them most of the time, but I'm the one who received most of the training. They were using a different system before, but switched before I joined.

It's pretty self explanatory, have you ever used Microsoft Outlook? It's a bit like that I think. We are on support and use text message marketing.

Feel free to message me anytime.

Hi Dylan and Sophie,

Thank you for your kind words, it is very much appreciated by Salon Advance.

Terri - Thank you for getting in touch and wishing you the very best of luck with your plans for the new year.

Will no doubt be speaking to you all very soon.

Best Wishes

Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Salon Advance

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