Eczema help!


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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi skin geeks!
Popping over from hair with a hope that someone can help me.
For over a year now I've struggled with eczema on my hands and arms. The steroid creams prescribed by my doctor helped to keep it at bay most times but now I'm pregnant I can't use them. Could any of you suggest a certain cream or ingredient that you have found that helps? It's driving me up the wall now!!
Thank you x
I used to have it really bad when I was younger and the doctor told me use dead sea salt skin care from Holland and Barretts and touch wood it hasn't come back as bad as it used to!
Natural and Organic Skin and Body Care Beauty Products

I'm not related to this business; but the owner started to make skincare when her daughter was hospitalised with eczema.

She will consult on the phone as we are all different.

Very natural ingredients and she will know what to do with a pregnant lady.
I have eczema and didn't want to continue on a daily basis with steroid creams. I recommend 'A Passion For Natural' 100% organic Aloe Vera lotion. I buy it from Boots'. I get virtually instant relief from it. :D
call into Lush and ask for a sample of Dream Cream to try and see if it helps you at all - it's a great seller worldwide for people with dermatitis problems x
I have found the installation of a water softener at home and changing from cows milk to goats milk has virtually got rid of our eczema.
Thank you everyone for your replies. I'll be off shopping tomorrow to try all your suggestions :D
Water does seem to irritate it but I live in South Wales so already in a soft water area so I'm not sure I can do much about that. I may try the goats milk though, if I can get my head around the fact that it's from a goat lol, silly really!!

Definitely change to goats milk, and reduce sugars!! Weleda's skin food is amazing...both myself & my son suffer from Eczema,and these all help so much...he will always get a bad bout of it a week or two after a bday party,he knows himself now what his limit is as its just not worth it!

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I have eczema on my hands as well - and I do use my steroid creams if I ever have a bad flare up - but I actually got my eczema under control using Arbonne FC5 Hand Cream….I actually bought it by accident at one of the selling parties - (as you do when you feel guilty for drinking the wine and not purchasing) but it ended up being just what I needed - cleared my eczema completely and kept my hand moisturised without being greasy - I was using E45 and Aqueous before, so greasiness was always a problem.
hi i knew a friend that had really bad eczema on his arms and body.. he tried everything but now it has completely gone he takes these vitamins and has never felt so good i recomend you take a look and give them a try. if you are interested let me know and i will get the details for you.:biggrin:

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