After many requests and much discussion, Marian Newman will be organising a competition seminar for all UK nail techs that wish to enter the Nailympia London (formerly known as The Nailympics London) international nail competition being held at Olympia Beauty in September 2014.
Marian has been the head floor judge for Nailympia London for many years and this seminar will troubleshoot any queries and help guide nail techs onto the competition circuit. Her knowledge and experience in the competition arena is invaluable, as she has been involved in UK nail competitions since their inauguration in the UK.
Nailympia London organiser and Scratch magazine editor, Alex Fox, will also be in attendance in order to support the event and help answer any queries that may emerge. Alex will also be covering the event as a feature in the April issue of the magazine.
The seminar will be taking place at the Creative Academy in London, however, this is not a branded event, it is a Marian Newman seminar and therefore open to all techs from all brands.
It is a seminar for all UK nail techs that wish to compete in the Nailympia arena regardless of what products they use, what levels they are at and what creed and culture they are. All techs are welcome. The only requirements? Passion and commitment.
Participating in competitions raises personal skills, standards and also challenges the nail professional to improve. There are many categories and different levels in nail competitions, so as long as you choose a category that you enjoy, in the correct division so you compete at the level that fits your experience, you have every chance of success. The buzz you get from the arena and the networking alone make it a successful experience by just showing up and participating.
If you have never entered a competition before, this is the perfect opportunity to come out of your comfort zone and go for it! Marians competition seminar will give you the support and help you need to recognise what judges look for, how points are given, what you need to practice and excel in in order to be placed. The seminar also includes help such as:
Explanation of the rules
Explanation of procedures
Competition tips for preparation, emergencies etc
Ways to create the perfect competition nails
How to compete in a Team
Nailympia London will be celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Therefore, this is a great opportunity for UK nail techs to join together and form teams to win for the UK. It has been a very long time since a team from the UK has been recognised for its excellence of work and by being involved this year, it will help to bring the trophy back to the UK!
Marian Newman Competition Seminar
Date: Sunday 16 March 2014
Time: 11am-4pm
Cost: £30 per person, which will be put towards the delegates registration fee for the Nailympia event.
Venue: Creative Academy London
If you're keen to attend, please contact Anna Lee at Creative Academy London for any enquires regarding the seminar at
*Please note that this is a seminar so there will be NO practical work *
Until then...geek on!
The Ed.