mmm Strange, you read it! most of the KC (Korean Cr*p) adhesives may have CE on them but they don't say where they were made.
The American 3D adhesive, glue or whatever says in BIG letters MADE IN THE USA, a big company would not place that on there if this was not true,(infact I know the plant!) the others leave you guessing by removing the Korea/China...... bla bla
Hope that gets through.
I am not a fan of all the 3D stuff, or the Nouveau stuff, I will put this in black and white, if a trainer of a company goes on about any of their products, do you really thing they have no bias to wards them.
Do you really think they have no alliance to the product they are telling you to use, the one that pays their training wage?
I never see them saying they use anything but what they train in, how strange?
Anyone with real common sense will you the best products hand picked from the widest range across the whole market, getting the best, for you and you clients.
Thank you all for the kind visitor messages and the fleet load of pm's I have receive as well, keep them coming. yes I am not a puppet for a company and I am afraid many like the tuth and dont want to be fudged......
Su x