Well-Known Member
How many of us would love good honest feedback from clients???
You know the kind where a client can comment on the highs and lows of their visit, giving us a real chance to improve or even add on a service that we haven't even thought off???? Or for the space renters who do not take their own appointments and the main Salon reception does this, how do we know that correct information about us and our service is passed on to the clients....
How do we get this,without a client feeling pushed for a positive answer because they love us as as a person and wouldn't want to upset us......
Well a simple way for me was, the Client guest book or Comment book.........
How many of you use a guestbook or Comment book?????
I introduced one to my little station over a year ago and I must say it has made some interesting reading and has given me a real insight to how clients perceive my service and the standard of it.....and how they perceive the place where I rent my space in as a whole...
The clients add their comments and do not leave a name, just the date and their comment.....
You know the only real area of improvement I found right at the beginning of starting this, was actually on the telephone booking front.. They could tell if one of our receptionists had an off day, or the "oh for goods sake make up your mind what do you want attitude".....I showed the Salon owner the comment book and she did take it very serious as it highlighted the attitude towards clients as a whole.....
How do you get good honest feedback without the clients feeling the heat is on ????
You know the kind where a client can comment on the highs and lows of their visit, giving us a real chance to improve or even add on a service that we haven't even thought off???? Or for the space renters who do not take their own appointments and the main Salon reception does this, how do we know that correct information about us and our service is passed on to the clients....
How do we get this,without a client feeling pushed for a positive answer because they love us as as a person and wouldn't want to upset us......
Well a simple way for me was, the Client guest book or Comment book.........
How many of you use a guestbook or Comment book?????
I introduced one to my little station over a year ago and I must say it has made some interesting reading and has given me a real insight to how clients perceive my service and the standard of it.....and how they perceive the place where I rent my space in as a whole...
The clients add their comments and do not leave a name, just the date and their comment.....
You know the only real area of improvement I found right at the beginning of starting this, was actually on the telephone booking front.. They could tell if one of our receptionists had an off day, or the "oh for goods sake make up your mind what do you want attitude".....I showed the Salon owner the comment book and she did take it very serious as it highlighted the attitude towards clients as a whole.....
How do you get good honest feedback without the clients feeling the heat is on ????