Femininity and the Beauty Industry: Take part in my Research


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Mar 25, 2015
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Hi there,
I am currently writing my dissertation which focuses on the relationship between femininity and the beauty industry. As part of my research I’d really like to ask you all some questions regarding this topic on this thread. By answering my questions, I will assume you consent to having your words used in my research paper (please note, your screen name will be changed, and will be known to only me). You MUST be over 16 to participate, and for the purposes of this research, I ask that only those who identify as female take part.
I will notify you on this post when I have stopped accepting responses.
If you have any questions at any time, or wish to retract any comments you have made in this thread from my research (which you are free to do at any time) please contact me at [email protected].

Thank you and I look forward to hearing your insights; there is no wrong answer, I’m simply interested in what you have to say.
L R James.
What do you consider is meant by the term ‘feminine’?
What degree are you studying for?

It is usual to include further background information when requesting responses to an online questionnaire.

I would be interested in taking part.
What degree are you studying and where?
To me beauty therapy should be about fun and creativity. This is why I am most interested in nails. I don't see it as something women need to do to be feminine. I'm all for however you feel comfortable with your body be that someone who has regular treatments or never does. Neither is more of a woman.
Please contact the OP directly if you wish to find out more.
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