Fired client


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New Member
Feb 2, 2021
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Hello so I fired a client about 5 years ago, she didn't think I was good enough but kept returning and sometimes was thrilled then mad I couldn't seem to please her now she wants to come back to me, she could be very sweet, but could also be horrible, I just don't know if I should risk it, help
1. Has she apologised sincerely for her previous behaviour before asking if you’ll take her back on your books?
2. Do you really want to risk her upsetting you all over again?

You don’t owe her anything and what’s the likelihood that she’s been sacked by the other hairdressers in the area and is now desperate?

Ex’s are always exes for a good reason!
No, don't take her back. She's probably run out of other hairdressers that will take her.
Use the pandemic as an excuse. Say you aren't taking any new clients as you need to catch up and honour appointments that had to be cancelled due to lockdown.....then block her email / Facebook / phone number so she can't bother you again.
Don't have her back, you will just be on edge wondering how she will react after each appointment. We have enough to contend with rebuilding our businesses after covid without the addition of bad reviews. It's not worth it xx
I had one like this.... I just said to her frankly.... Look, you don't like when I do you and I don't want you to be unhappy, so I think you should go somewhere that you will be happy with the result. Both her and the girls had open jaws!🙈 ...but she just said...oh it'll be which I stayed firm and told her No, and that she deserved to get exactly what she wanted. She respected me for standing up to her, as most people don't. I had given her 2 chances and she'd been fowl and abusive. I know for a fact she's tried other places and doesnt like them either.....and she still gives me a wave as she goes past most days, but she knows I wont take her back.
I had a customer who was the same I gave her a few chances even did her hair on a Sunday evening as it suited her then I found out she’d been talking about me in a horrible manner. Needless to say she got her marching orders. She told me she’d have a breakdown if I stopped doing her hair but I didn’t give in. Some people will take your arms then come back for your legs. If someone is making you unhappy ditch them. Good luck

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