Hi, I have joined the shellac lovers group and done a bit of searching but didn't know how to post a question! Hope you don't mind if I post it here.
All my shellac arrived today and I have just done my own nails (red baroness - gorgeous!). All went well until removing the inhibition layer with D-sperce. Some of the shellac around the edges of some nails came away undoing my neat work and leaving a bit of a jagged edge. I presumed this was because I didn't get enough top coat coverage at the edges and proceeded to do the second hand ensuring complete coverage of top coat all over the polished nail. It still happened but only slightly in places. I know it's difficult doing your own nails (well it is for me) but just wondering if anyone had come across this and what can I do to ensure it doesn't happen on a client! Also, my nails are very short and I found it difficult capping what little free edge I have - any tips on how to do this on short nails would be good. Thanks.
All my shellac arrived today and I have just done my own nails (red baroness - gorgeous!). All went well until removing the inhibition layer with D-sperce. Some of the shellac around the edges of some nails came away undoing my neat work and leaving a bit of a jagged edge. I presumed this was because I didn't get enough top coat coverage at the edges and proceeded to do the second hand ensuring complete coverage of top coat all over the polished nail. It still happened but only slightly in places. I know it's difficult doing your own nails (well it is for me) but just wondering if anyone had come across this and what can I do to ensure it doesn't happen on a client! Also, my nails are very short and I found it difficult capping what little free edge I have - any tips on how to do this on short nails would be good. Thanks.