Following a risk assessment


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Dec 16, 2012
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I am currently studying for my VTCT level 3 Diploma in Nail Technology and I am having some trouble with my assignment on risk assessment and was wondering if some of you could point me in the right direction.

I was asked to describe the reasons, procedures and when risk assessments should be done and I had no trouble doing those but then I was asked:

- Outline necessary actions to take following a risk assessment -

All I could come up with is:

"To carry out regular risk assessments and to introduce personal protective equipment."

Normally I do not have major troubles with assignments (sometimes I do not understand the question immediately as my first language is not English but usually do very well) but I am totally lost on this one. I tried searching on google and on The Encyclopedia of Nails but haven't found anything that relates to that particular question.

Am I missing any major information that I should include?
Any help via comments or links to direct me to more information would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Risk assessments aren't just about introducing PPE. I'd suggest that you think much broader about risk assessments.
Firstly, following a risk assessment you would want to mitigate any risks that have been identified.
I would encourage you to think about some of the 'obvious' risks such as;
Avoiding cross contamination
Avoiding accidents

How about less obvious risk assessments? For example,
Treating a pregnant client or maybe someone with additional support needs?
What about a female member of staff treating a male client?
Someone loneworking?
Having a pregnant member of staff?
Having under 18's in a salon?

These are all areas where you should have RA's and would want to mitigate risks.

Hope this helps :)
You need to look at actions you could take, and procedures which should be put in place, to reduce risks you have identified. They should be practical and effective.

You cannot always eliminate risks; you are looking to take whatever steps are reasonable. hth.
The way I read that question is they're asking what you should do after the Risk Assessment (RA) has been carried out. So off the top of my head:

- Implement any new procedures or control measures that have been agreed, as a result of anything identified in the RA.
- Ensure it is clear who is responsible for implementing the changes and that they're aware of their responsibilities
- A copy of the RA should be given to all staff
- All staff should be made aware of any changes in procedures and how/when they will be implemented
- Ensure it is added to as and when needed, a RA is a fluid document that should be amended if anything new arises.
- Set a date to review the RA regularly

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