Hi there, I think each therapist does full body massages in a completely different way. Some massage the feet, some don't, some do scalp and face massage some don't, some do the tummy, some don't.
I personally always include the tummy massage however I always ask the client first if they would like to be massaged there. One because not everyone does, two because if you just go ahead and start massaging there I think most clients feel apprehensive about if a towel covers their bust or not, and also because some people may be on their period at that time of month, or they may be a experiencing IBS or a change in bowel movements. A lot of the time massage can help all these things... But if someone has had a bit of a dicky tummy recently the last thing they want is a tummy massage. Also some ppl feel that a tummy massage is just too personal.
I would call the salon you are going to and just say hi I'd like a full body massage however I'd prefer it if you left out the tummy massage if this is an area you cover please.
But last of all. Please please remember the therapist will have seen all shapes and sizes, all wobbly bits, all scars etc.... Your tummy will not be a tummy they will remember forever. I've obviously seen hundreds of my clients naked. But when they come back I don't think about them and their big ****s or anything. I think it's the same for all therapists.
Hope that helps xx