Hi, hmm am I dectecting bit of a dictator here with this request ?
it could be cosher and all ok , and
if you are interested in the request...
I am thinking you must ask more about themselves in a business like but tactful way and things will hopefully come to light ?
think about some questions you may need to ask them first ?
also what if you do a trial for them and they sack you off ? all that way for nothing
why arent they using someone closer ? and why is a man choosing his Brides make up artist ?
just thinking though....he may be gay and it's a gay wedding ?
well that's fine but ...you will need to know these things first for the skin coverage ect...
find out what didn't he like about how the first make up artist performed ect... so you can get it right ect....?
at the end of the day.... if you want to do it you need to know more about the client and who you are dealing with ,then you can suss out if it's a wind up or wether its worth it to your business with all that travelling ?
plus make it clear that you cannot stay in a strangers home over night
if you are unsure at all .....tell them you don't travel without your personal assistant and
he may not be available to accompany you at that time
ect.... plus you only ever stay over night in a nearby travel lodge ect...
:hug: x minky