Geeky comp - what do you think Mr. Geek


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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
Hello everyone,

I had an Idea that maybe fun. I was thinking that there should be a nail art compeitions.

This should be seasonal or as frequently as monthly. There should be three catagories. 1. Airbrush 2. Free hand and 3. 3D.

What do you think Mr. Geek maybe the winner could get a nail geek certificate. (once they pay for the posting of the cert) That is if you have the time because we need a judge you and sam could judge or maybe geeg if she had the time.

Just a thought
Hi Linda,

quite a good idea but this has been tried on previous sites and the problem is getting the entries - it always ends up being the same couple of people each month who go to the effort of submitting their entries.

The previous ones have all closed as the owners/managers of the sites just did not have the time to do it what with all of the other stuff they do.

I think we often forget that the moderators of these sites also have real jobs LOL
In my humble opinion ... a regular comp would be a bit much to manage for busy peeps like Sam.
But I think a once yearly one would be a fantastic idea! :wink2:
Yep a yearly geek comp would be great, I know Sam is a very busy man, But maybe Ant , Geeg , Sam , Liza and Ruthie could help with the judging.
I love the idea of a yearly comp and why not include a cat for enhancements too, like stutt your stuff?
This has been something I have contemplated for awhile. The system is perfect for it however, I have had no time to organise it. Dont worry... ill get to it ;)
Yeah! Yeah! I love the idea. I think it would be cool. I would prefer a seasonal comp or maybe twice a year. We could have a theme for each competition. If the Big geeks dont have time to judge then maybe us littler geeks could judge????
~bec~ said:
Yeah! Yeah! I love the idea. I think it would be cool. I would prefer a seasonal comp or maybe twice a year. We could have a theme for each competition. If the Big geeks dont have time to judge then maybe us littler geeks could judge????
good idea! could there be a category (maybe the novice one), that's voted on 'by the people'?! in poll format, rather than judged! i like that bec x
what a brilliant idea.
may give us cowardy custards a bit of confidence to join the competition circuit
I really love the idea :) It would be so nice to look at everyone's talent...


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