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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
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I am fairly newly qualified in nails.

I love nails, I have done since I was in my early teens. And I've always wanted to qualify as a nail tech to start up a career in something I love. But now I've qualified I'm petrified to take the final step! I'd love to be mobile ideally, and build up enough clients to fill 4 days per week.

I am very able and my work is fairly good but my confidence has plummeted at the prospect of taking the next step and making a career out of this. I worry how I'd build up a client base, what if I can't get clients!? What if I do get clients and they don't like my work and don't want to come back? How do I ensure I turn a profit? Have so many 'argh' things flying around in my head.

I am having a full on hide-under-the-covers-and-hibernate-till-it-goes-away moment! Did anyone else feel this nervous and weird when they were about to start up their businesses? Or am I mildly unhinged? Lol.

I was so nervous to start too! I procrastinated by telling myself that I'll open 'once I've bought this' or 'once I have everything'. Mainly nervous I think for strangers expecting a professional service to sit in front of me and not knowing what they might possibly present with or what they might want and if I'll be up to any task that came my way.
You really just have to set a date and go for it. Start the way you plan to continue, act professional, know your limits etc. and set your pricing to reflect your experience.
Really, it has actually built my confidence up tremendously and I'm getting quite good at making chit chat with any stranger that sits in front of me now! Once you get started, it's such a nice feeling when someone says they contacted you because someone was really happy with your service and referred them. Little steps! Best of luck x
I can second that. Once I qualified no one would take me on due to lack of experience so self employment was my only option. I loved it, it gave me tonnes of confidence & it's not as scary as it seems, just go for it! If you ever need any help with ideas for promoting yourself give me a message :)

I've been living abroad for 6 months and they do things VERY differently here! It's made me want to open up again when I'm back home and do things my way & the right way! I may only have 3 years experience since I finished training but I've done & learned a lot in those 3 years.

Just go for it! You'll be great :) xx
I'm feeling the same. I have my training booked in for gels later this month and want to get started asap to make the most of Xmas, but same, am nervous that I will actually be crap at it!! Know o need to get a lot of practice in but am scared to do it!! [emoji30][emoji30][emoji30]
We've all been there, especially those of us who went straight into self employed. Just go for it!! There is nothing better for building confidence than getting on with things.

Know your limitations and to start with try and keep things as simple as you can for yourself by sticking to your strengths. If for example you aren't confident with sculpting don't offer it for the time being. When you get a Client wanting to book in do a thorough consultation at the time of booking, that way you know exactly what their expectations are and if it is something you are not comfortable with you can advise / steer them.

For your first few appointments leave yourself plenty of time to pack up and get there and plenty of time for your appointment, that way you are not arriving flustered and not rushing during the appointment.

As for getting Clients have a look at some of your local Facebook buy and sell pages and post a few adverts on there. It might be worth investing in some postcards, instantprint are quite reasonable, get them up in local shops and post door to door, maybe offer a refer a friend discount.

Good luck xx
Thanks all. I first did my mani pedi qual a few years back and it's sat in the back burner due to various other commitments etc. I now want to get back into into it and do gels. I asked the place where I am doing my training next week about whether they thought no should do a refresher as I haven't been practicing for a while. She said it may be an idea to buy a textbook or something to refresh my memory. My main concern is remembering all the sterilisation/sanitisation stuff. Obviously want to make sure there is no Risk to clients etc!! Am also deciding whether to go mobile or do for my house.
Definitely not un-hinged haha! I am in exactly the same boat as you, fully qualified since April, but only doing family and friends...i absolutely freak out at the thought of doing a stranger! I'm a perfectionist and i think I will always feel my skills aren't 'good enough', but my work is lasting on family and friends now so i'm biting the bullet - i've got a date to start advertising, and i don't have any excuses to use anymore. I think the advice everyone has given here is just perfect, stick to your strengths and you'll be just fine. I think our mind plays havoc and usually it won't be as bad as we think it will be. Sending a virtual hug your way, we can do this!! x
Ladies, you wouldn't have passed if you weren't good enough, just have a bit more confidence in yourselves! We all have to start somewhere! Just go for it! [emoji5]️ xxx
Ahh you're all so lovely. [emoji4] I think I'll wait until Christmas is out of the way (and I'm better as I'm unwell at the moment) then I'm going to bite the bullet and get on with it!

I'll look into getting some cards/leaflets done to advertise in the mean time.

*scared face*
Aw bless you, get well soon! If you need any help at all feel free to message me & I'll help all I can [emoji5]️ xx
Thankyou, that's really kind. :) xx
No problem lovely :) I know what it's like to start up and have no one to ask anything to xx
I have my first proper client tomorrow night!! I only qualified in gel polish a few months ago and haven't managed much practise of them since, so I'm nervous, but excited to finally "dip my toe in" and hoping that once this first one is out of the way it'll all get easier!
There's also been the added pressure as it's the first time I'v had a space for someone to come over- I've taken over our "second"/"spare" bedroom (more of a box room with a door to the communal garden!) so I got home from work and have spent the last three hours cleaning the whole flat! Then I've got to get through a whole day in work tomorrow before it!

I'm consoling myself in the fact that she was on the lookout for "someone cheap" and I can offer her a reduced "training" price so this'll be the only time she'll get this at this cheap a price; even if she comes back I'll add on a tiny bit to the price, and I've already starting selling IBX to her if she comes back to me as I'll have had the training by then!

So I feel your pain. But if I (laden with ridiculous amounts of not-sleeping-not-eating anxiety) can get through tomorrow, then with your confidence, I'm sure you'll be double as good as me!! x
Struckbyastar good luck tomorrow do let us know how you get on. Ceri I feel your identical pain. The thought of actually providing a paid for service is terrifying me even though I trained to go self employed in the first place!!
Good luck struckbyastar, hope it all went well. On another note, this pic is of my nails and I just wondered if any of the more experienced here could help out as Ibx already been mentioned on this thread! When I have my nails done, it's always these nails that chip first. Do you think Ibx would help?

Not the best pics but they are really split at the ends!!
Struckbyastar, how did it go?
Struckbyastar good luck tomorrow do let us know how you get on. Ceri I feel your identical pain. The thought of actually providing a paid for service is terrifying me even though I trained to go self employed in the first place!!

Me too! I always had it in my mind that I will go self employed once I qualify but now that I have the nerves have set in. I was all confident and raring to go before I qualified.

I'm sure we'll be fine once we get going though, it's just that initial leap isn't it!

Ceri Berry- we are exactly the same! lol Ive been qualified for some time but haven't had the confidence to jump into it - I'm now looking at all the different products and worrying about what to go for and which to pick! its daunting isn't !
On a side note - apparently jumping in is the best thing ... ive yet to confirm it but its the way forward apparently !

Me too! I always had it in my mind that I will go self employed once I qualify but now that I have the nerves have set in. I was all confident and raring to go before I qualified.

I'm sure we'll be fine once we get going though, it's just that initial leap isn't it!

Ceri I feel the same, It Is hard isn't it, having the confidence to know your good and just go for it.
I Done my mani pedi course a few years bk and was so nervous I never started up, just practiced on my family and friends.
I've booked on Shellac course for Nov and am going to start up after that. So nervous.
I'm aiming to start just before Xmas as so many more people would like their nails done for xmas and new yrs.
My main reasons to start b4 before xmas are:
-I Don't have loads of colours & kit but can layer glitters for shellac mani to offer a variety, hopefully earn money to invest back in more stock.
-decent pics for social media to start up- getting a few pics of all the pretty sparkly nails.
-Also may get more referals as more people will be socialising at Xmas events and more likely to see any clients nails you have done.

Go on, try before xmas, its the perfect time , maybe just have a small goal to do 6 clients (family and friends) for xmas to help build confidence. X
I have my first proper client tomorrow night!! I only qualified in gel polish a few months ago and haven't managed much practise of them since, so I'm nervous, but excited to finally "dip my toe in" and hoping that once this first one is out of the way it'll all get easier!
There's also been the added pressure as it's the first time I'v had a space for someone to come over- I've taken over our "second"/"spare" bedroom (more of a box room with a door to the communal garden!) so I got home from work and have spent the last three hours cleaning the whole flat! Then I've got to get through a whole day in work tomorrow before it!

I'm consoling myself in the fact that she was on the lookout for "someone cheap" and I can offer her a reduced "training" price so this'll be the only time she'll get this at this cheap a price; even if she comes back I'll add on a tiny bit to the price, and I've already starting selling IBX to her if she comes back to me as I'll have had the training by then!

So I feel your pain. But if I (laden with ridiculous amounts of not-sleeping-not-eating anxiety) can get through tomorrow, then with your confidence, I'm sure you'll be double as good as me!! x
How did things go with your first client hun?

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