Goldwell colour chart


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New Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Essex, UK
HELP!! I have just started teaching, and over the years I have come across all sorts of variations on the ICC. However.... I can not make sense of the Goldwell colour system with the letters, and this is what they're using in the school.... Could someone plainly expain the tone definitions for me??? Thanks!
Pandypinx :):green:
HELP!! I have just started teaching, and over the years I have come across all sorts of variations on the ICC. However.... I can not make sense of the Goldwell colour system with the letters, and this is what they're using in the school.... Could someone plainly expain the tone definitions for me??? Thanks!
Pandypinx :):green:

Hi there.
I'm 99% certain that these letters represent the Goldwell colour system.

N = Natural
NN = Intense Natural
A = Ash
B = Beige
G = Gold
K = Copper
O = Orange
P = Pearl (Blue)
R = red
S = Silver
V = Violet

Double letters, KK, RR ect are extra strong tones or intense mix tones.

I hope this helps.
Lamaur man is right.... apart from the B... i was told its blonde (level 8-12) and brunette (level 4-7) they are warm, 6B comes out redish.
but there are some new ones too....

tri colours e.g. 6Ngb
base 6, natural tone with subtle gold and brunette.

colorance, quasi....
new toners, pretty self explanatary. bases 9 and 10 in either champagne, beige and silver.

i have always found the letters easier to get used to, you will be fine. good luck x

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