What a farce!
I was tempted, as the salons around me are 5 *
Clients would assume those salon's to be superior to mine. 
I needn't of worried....
I was assured, soon after their representative entered my salon, that I too could get a 5* status! 
No check on the caliber of staff I had working with me, ....in fact, at that time, it was just myself and an assistant.
I was not asked if I was qualified or insured.
No mention of quality of product line, or where I sourced my stock. ( could've been a 'Poundland box colour'!) 
It seemed she made her 5* judgment on the decor, what beverages I served, and my willingness to pay the monthly fee!
Trouble is, you'd assume the rating system to be an indication of the quality and standard of the staff employed there.
Instead, it seemed to be more a judgement made on my ability to provide a 'skinny latte',
........ or size of chandelier!