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We joined March last year and was listed on the website, in hair magazine and there own magazine within 2/3 weeks, from the actual guide itself online we've had 1 client in the last year, however through having the 5 star logo sign in the window that has attracted a lot more clients in, 2/3 per week who usually become repeat customers, I few have said "well I normally go to (saks/Toni & Guy) but I noticed you have a 5 star rating so I decided to give you a go"

The guy who came to assess our salon did go on decor but also on the fact we were ground floor, the amount of stylists, that all stylists had to be level 3, took details of all our products price lists etc

Soo all in all we have benefited from it, but not had a as much support from them as we'd of liked for the amount we pay, unfortunately the extra clients have only been from the sign in the window. Benefits of the sign tho will depend on location, were town centre between a few designer shops and restaurants so there's a lot of passing trade, if we were in an estate I doubt it'd have much influence
