I have naturally dark brown hair and for the past 8 years I have been getting highlights and lowlights. I went to Toni & Guy last May and the stylist said I had one option and that was to darken the blonde and then in 6 weeks to get highlights. I agreed, he applied a filler/pigment and OMG my hair turned black!! I was horrified. He was also shocked. He then put the colour over the pigment and it was still no better. I cried and panicked. A week later he put some highlights throughto break up the colour and it turned orange....a month later I got highlight.....then 5 weeks after that more highlights (hair broke off around the front and hair shedded from the scalp. I stopped bleaching me hair and then 10 weeks later I got INOA lowlights done. They have no amonia and no peroxide so they are quiet gently. The problem now is that at some point my highlights started to turn a muddy greenish yellow. The hairdresser said Im better off getting an all over colour instead of doing lowlights but Im afraid the same thing will happen again and my hair will break off again and turn black. Its really upsetting me. I have to go to work looking like this. Its been 5 months now and I feel so depressed. I feel like I want to shave my head. Please help!:cry: