I have a longterm regular client who came to me today with a split in her builder gel about halfway up the nail.
As I was removing the lifted product I noticed a greenie on her nail. I removed product from all the nails to check for any others (thankfully there were no more), sanitised them all well, threw out all the files etc I used and advised her to have them naked for at least a few days to monitor the situation.
of course I am always very on top of hygiene and as I mentioned have not experienced this issue (or any others) before.
For context my client is a gardener, as a result of this I advise her to keep the nails short (which we do) and to clean them thoroughly daily (which she does). She also wears gloves at all times when gardening and doing other chores.
However, because of her heavy duty job, she often has some small amounts of lifting even in a 2 week period. despite her cleaning them so regularly it is inevitable that I see a spot of two of dirt under there.
I do many other ladies, including myself that go 3 - 4 weeks without lifting so I can only assume this is from her lifestyle.
I was hoping for some advice of what to suggest to this client going forward. Is it too risky to continue to put product on her nails for 2 weeks at a time?
I had considered suggesting applying a thin layer of builder gel that We would remove completely and re-apply at each appointment.
any thoughts or guidance would be much appreciated. I am UK based for reference.