I've been getting my hair coloured for years and I've noticed that my roots are a lovely white silver colour. I would like to grow the red colour out any advise and tips for me?
It took me a year to grow it out. I had a full head of fine blond/caramel/brown highlights and just bit the bullet. I had really long hair and once my fringe was totally out started getting it cut a cit shorter and with layers so more of the grey showed through. It was a pain at times but I don't regret it. Everyone loves it and says it's taken years off me. Posted a during and after.
Your hair is lovely grey. Mine is so slow growing ,except my fringe,it will prob take two yrs to grow it out! Very tempted to go shorter my hairs down past my shoulders and very thick .
Yes you can see in the other picture how long my hair was and it too is so thick and strong. Texture is so much better now, no frizzing. I think the speed it grew out surprised most people. If your fringe is growing so is the rest. It was a pain at times but as I started cutting it and having it layered it didn't look like I hadn't had my regrowth done so it made it easier.
In one year I've managed to save the money I would have paid for my 6 weekly colour and paid for a weeks holiday in Greece. Nothing fancy but still a week in Greece. It's nuts how much I've saved lol
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