They appear to be design for spray tanning and not suitable for nail salons. An effective nail salon has three filter stages:
1. filter to remove visible dust
2. filter to remove invisible dust - this is the most dangerous as it can be inhaled deep in the lungs
3. active carbon filter (like BBQ charcoal) that filters chemical vapours.
Many cheap filter systems don't have 3 or the carbon filter is much too small. The minimum recommended, is that the carbon weighs 1 kg (2lb) and is at least 1 inch thick. The size of this means this type of filter can't be table mounted, they are all floor mounted systems with one or more air pipes to the table(s).
If you can't afford a professional air filter, buy dust masks from B&Q that are EN 149 rated - at least you will be protected for 1 and 2.