No wonder lots of people are reluctant to talk to the police if this is the sort of thing that can happen! And all because some clerk at the court mislead you!
Anyway, when I worked for the benefits office many years ago, as usual, I cut through the square opposite my office to get to the shops at lunch time. On the way back, I noticed blood all over the path, a man on the ground with blood all over him being looked after by a couple of my colleagues, and an air ambulance about to land. It was only when I got back to work that I found out that there had been an argument between two claimants. They were told to leave the building, and they went over to the square and started fighting. One pulled out a machete, and started hacking the other in the head and shoulder. My workmates witnessed what happened from the window, and apparently I was walking through the square at the time!!! I know I'm dozy, but I really must have been asleep that day to have missed that!!
Secondly, I was a victim of crime rather than a witness. On my 21st birthday, I was followed home from the chip shop by this man who had been bothering me the week before. He looked a bit drugged up, so I tried to ignore him. When I got to my front door, my first thought was that I didn't want this man to know where I lived, so I walked a bit further along, and then told him to leave me alone. He then grabbed me, and started pulling me towards a car, and told me in graphic detail, what he was going to do. Luckilly, two teenage boys came along and frightened him off. This happened on a bright summers day as well, so its not like it was late at night!!! Still frightens me up to this day.