Have you used TANNING TABLETS??


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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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South Lincolnshire, UK
Hi All, Just wanted to know if any of you have used Tanning Tablets?

I have bought a pot and supposed to take 3 a day for a month. Apparently it encourages melanin or something.
I am sick of streaky diy creams or patchy bronzing mists. I cannot use a sunbed for 6 months cos of my eye laser surgery. :sad: and I hate being the lily whitest around everyone who is sexy brown!! LOL

Has anyone got an opinion on them? good or bad. Do you think I'll see a result?
Let me know.
xx ;)
personally i wouldnt take anything that i wasnt 100% sure of what was in the ingredients !

Have you got a spray tan geek in your area that could help you and gage the correct dha to suit your skin tone??

im sure it Maybe a safer bet !

Failing that dove......johnsons.....etc etc loads of companies do the 'home tan solutions' providing u 'prep' the skin in the first place ie exfoliate u should be ok.

Good luck !

im taking the ones from boots at the moment before my hols, you have to take them a month before you go, but both me and my daughter have a bit of colour in about nine days which is great cos we are the milk bottle white family, £38 but so far well worth it,i think the test will be when we're away
never tried these im not a white bottleI have a nice colour my legs are though but im on hols in 5weeks mite give em a try are they safe
I really dont believe in tablets for tanning or for sliming, but that is just me, I think that tablets is not the way to go. Have you ever been sprayed. I have recently brought my system from spray tan cubicle and they use sienna sun, and it is brill. There is no streaking or no orange in colour, I would highly recommend it. If you have got the money and wanted to invest in it, then this is a very good company to buy from, if you want a demo, then I can but you in touch with them or get someone to contact you, just so you can see the results for your self.

I tried some years ago they cost about 30.00 crap complete waste a money.

Spray tan cant beat it :biggrin:
I've been really happy with the Superdrug tanning moisturiser (like the Johnson's Holiday Skin).. it's colour is quite pink-based, not orangey, and fairly foolproof. I use the darker one cos I'm impatient and no mistakes so far so I'm sure the lighter one would be fine. It's great cos I keep not having time to do myself a spray tan and yet I'm no longer lily-white (and believe me, my legs were the colour of skimmed milk!)
not really a fan of tanning pills to honest, i have a few clients who have tried them with not much success

i'm with lisa and amber.....can't beat a spray tan!

youve put me of I want a spray tan for myself a good one not rio rubbish just something I can use myself and perhaps a few mates I bin using fake bake n st tropez lotion it takes ages to apply
What about the nurses machine. Thats only meant for home use. I think it about £60 or you can buy it in kit form. This one is from stcc


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A lady I used to work with, took slimming tablets, and tanning tablets at the same time, and actually got taken into hospital with really bad pains in her stomach! She just sort of doubled over at work all of a sudden, almost crying in pain, and then fainted! She was kept in for a few days, but when she was released, the docs recommended that she stay away from the tablets!!!

I dont know anyone else that has taken them, but I personally wouldnt hun! x

Johnsons is fab - you can really see the difference after a couple of days! xxx
joolz said:
im taking the ones from boots at the moment before my hols, you have to take them a month before you go, but both me and my daughter have a bit of colour in about nine days which is great cos we are the milk bottle white family, £38 but so far well worth it,i think the test will be when we're away

They sound great, will have to see about them. What are they called joolz??;)

Certainly dont want to get a spray tan, havent got the time, patience, and I hate things on my skin.:sad:

I had a shower, exfoliated, did everything I should have done. Applied the tanning mist or cream and I felt all sticky again. 24 hours later I could notice patches and bf was taking the mick out of me!! Being a bigger girl its harder to get it even over my body and some places are just unreachable!!
Decided not to go there again and bought tablets. :o
Tsia said:
They sound great, will have to see about them. What are they called joolz??;)

Certainly dont want to get a spray tan, havent got the time, patience, and I hate things on my skin.:sad:

I had a shower, exfoliated, did everything I should have done. Applied the tanning mist or cream and I felt all sticky again. 24 hours later I could notice patches and bf was taking the mick out of me!! Being a bigger girl its harder to get it even over my body and some places are just unreachable!!
Decided not to go there again and bought tablets. :o
they are called immedeen as far as the lable says they contain vitamins and fruit extract ive been taking them 2 weeks in friday(i counted) with no ill effects
hi girlies
Now don't quote me on this but many moons ago when i was about 15 my friends mum used to work in a herbal type shop and they used to sell these and i am sure they were carrot based. Like i say don't quote me.
I think if they work for you then why not.
I knw what you mean about spray tans TSIA i do them for a living and actually can't stand them on my skin. I am a sesitive ickle bean x x x
joolz said:
they are called immedeen as far as the lable says they contain vitamins and fruit extract ive been taking them 2 weeks in friday(i counted) with no ill effects

Brill. I shall have a look in boots tomorrow.
Thankyou xx
Tsia said:
Brill. I shall have a look in boots tomorrow.
Thankyou xx

Deffo go to somewhere like boots hun, whatever you do - do not get them from ebay!!!!!!!!!
(not saying you would, but just dont!) x
fificharlie said:
Deffo go to somewhere like boots hun, whatever you do - do not get them from ebay!!!!!!!!!
(not saying you would, but just dont!) x
thats just what i would say also tsia, i saw some on ebay really cheap but you do get 60 tabs in the immedeen pack for £38 so not too expensive really
Why has it slipped out that I'm an ebay freak?? LOL
I love it. But dont worry, will defo be going to boots tomorrow. xx
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