you have to look at it like this, would she wait around not doing mobile work, putting her career on hold and being at someones beck and call (free of charge) for three years? If the answer is no then why should you? her behaviour is hardly a good example of how things will be in the future! do you really want to work for someone like that? you're entitlied to do mobile work in you're spare time even if you where working in a salon, never mind if you're still waiting for it to open!!! I spent eight years working as a photographer and my last boss was very much like this woman. They exspect all this loyality but when it comes to giving you some they don't, it's business to them. After three years thinking my boss (she was actually the owners daughter) was a very good friend, she took over the business she expected me to work more hours for less money, when i wouldn't do this i was told i was disloyal and working there became a total nightmare, i resgined and was given the task of training my replacement who was happy to work for peanuts as they where fresh out of college! My point is: she wouldn't think twice about replacing you. Go for the interview (say nothing to her) if you get great, if not try the mobile thing. Keep your options open,